book of ours: The New Model Series


Through image, design, movement and music, book of ours documents the Age of Covid, The Great Reset and The Fourth Industrial Revolution in the New Model Series. The Fourth Industrial Revolution is a revolution you weren’t asked to join and never voted for. This is a change so profound that it required a lockdown of the entire planet in order to implement it. This revolution is made up of initiatives like sustainable development, multi-stakeholder committees and global governance. This isn’t the New World Order. This is the new normal. This is the New Model. This is The Fourth Industrial Revolution.

Elite Justice Force Squad Book Series Vlogs


Welcome to my Rumble channel! This platform will be my mainstay for video content containing updates from Michael J. Beasley, the author/creator of the Elite Justice Force Squad series. I will post videos periodically and semi-regularly to update my fans and followers on upcoming titles and book release news. I am also on Goodreads, where I post monthly blogs on my profile. If you want to find more information about my literature, please check out my social media links.

Why Jesus Book Series Podcast


What God has done in your life through Jesus Christ can never be taken away from you. It is your testimony that will follow you into eternity. This is perhaps the first collection of stories, essays, and testimonies ever collected in our life time that will declare Why Jesus is Who He is, Why He is, and Where He is – inside the believer. This series of books will include such writings by Christians worldwide, and your story, essay, or testimony could contribute to one or more of these titles.