Marc Bosserman


Marc Bosserman is a pianist, vocalist, composer, music producer. He performs often (10-20 times a week) int he Tampa Bay Area. He's been singing since he was 3 and playing the piano since he was 7. He performs songs that people love. He also has been producing music since 2007. His music has helped singers and songwriter reach more people and has been on Network and Independent TV and films. His goal is to make people happy. f fantastic songs! : ) And a big goal of making people REALLY happy whatever the gig. He also writes and produces - his own songs and songs for other singers and songwriters. Simple- Piano tracks or Vocals. Or even Help with Songwriting, Full Productions. Very capable pianist and vocalist. In a pop- jazz- soul- folk tradition. Covers of amazing songs and always his own stamp. He knows tons of Classic Rock. Emphasis on fun and cool. His original music tends to be Piano Driven, Singer-Songwriter Folk-pop!

Dominiquae Bierman TV


It is time for the greatest restoration of all times: The Jewish people back to their Messiah and the Christians back to the original Gospel which was preached by the Jewish Apostles. For almost 2000 years the world has been waiting for this great restoration, the angels are watching, the demons are trembling.We Invite you to make "Spiritual Alyah" and COME UP TO ZION! Our tours and trainings in Israel are REVOLUTIONARY! they will EQUIP you and your congregation to enter into the End Time Move of God. Our books and materials will reconnect you to the Jewish Roots of the Faith and you will be transformed! Connect with us:

Dra. Dominiquae Bierman TV


La Arzobispo y Apóstol Dominiquae Bierman es la primera mujer judía arzobispo en el mundo. Junto con su esposo el Rabino Baruch, como apóstoles judíos, han viajado a más de 50 naciones durante más de 30 años, predicando el Evangelio original hecho en Sión, seguido de señales, maravillas y milagros. Ella ha escrito muchos libros y ha producido cientos de programas de televisión que han cambiado la vida de millones de personas en todo el mundo. La Apóstol Dominiquae Bierman realiza tours anuales por Israel durante los Días Santos del calendario bíblico. Ella tiene un doctorado en Filosofía Religiosa y una licenciatura en Salud Nutricional y es la presidenta y fundadora de Kad-Esh MAP Ministries y de las Naciones Unidas por Israel. Además, la Apóstol Dominiquae es la presidenta de la Escuela Bíblica AGIMAP, una escuela bíblica libre de teología de reemplazo, rica en historia de la iglesia, las raíces judías de la fe e Israel. Conéctese con nosotros:



Welcome to the official Huberman-Podcast Rumble channel. The Huberman Lab podcast is hosted by Dr. Huberman, a neuroscientist and tenured professor of neurobiology and ophthalmology at Stanford School of Medicine. The podcast discusses neuroscience and science-based tools, including how our brain and its connections with the organs of our body control our perceptions, our behaviors, and our health, as well as existing and emerging tools for measuring and changing how our nervous system works. The podcast is frequently ranked in the top 10 of all podcasts globally and is often ranked #1 in the categories of Science, Education, and Health & Fitness.