Remembering I AM and The Ascended Masters


Remembering I AM is a journey, no small stroll, it is a journal of remembrance - remembering who, what, and how I AM. It is also a channel where I will upload videos that honour those that have held the light for most of their lives. There will be teachings by Masters and the Ascended Masters. As I AM ever expanding and changing, this channel will be changing and ever expanding, detailing the progress of my journey as I AM directed by I AM and the Ascended Masters. Please subscribe to share in this sojourn and experience the jewelled path as it unfolds before us……..ascension is happening!

The Real Ascended Masters Teachings


Spiritualism Australia Limited, is a not-for-Profit Public Charity dedicated to educating mankind about the reality of the survival of mind and consciousness beyond the death of the brain. We provide the ancient Teachings of Higher Spiritualism which came from the Elders of our Race, the Immortals through the most scientifically tested proven and documented physical phenomena Medium of all time; Rev. Keith Milton Rhinehart (1936 -1999). Join our Spiritual Family in the Teaching Halls of higher Spiritualism.

Ascended Master


Grand Rising, Join Ascended Master Ptah Shakur on his weekly live call in show dedicated towards informing the masses with impertinent info concerning the current cosmic shift into the 5D. This episode Ptah Shakur performs a PSA ( Ptah Shakur Announcement ) to commemorated the first show of the second season of "Ptah Shakur speaks" with a conversation with America. Additionally Ptah Shakur shared his message to humanity to help those willing unlock the divine greatness that they hold and finished with a meditation/visualization to help those seeking to access the higher selves for spiritual development. In previous episode Ptah Shakur shared the 12 Laws and principles of creation as well as the true origins of Easter and how they relate to an ancient ritual of the goddess Ishtar as well as the recently revealed images from the Russian museum archives which depict Jesus, Mary and disciples with darker pigmentation. Ptah also shares upcoming events mankind will experience as we venture further into the cosmic Christ conscious energies inundating our planet, allowing humanity to experience the New Heaven/ New Earth written in Revelations. Ptah also answered a few questions emailed to in his Ptah's mailbag segment. Ptah Shakur is a life coach/researcher/ spiritual guide and channel ,providing education and inspiration for those looking towards self improvement. Ptah Shakur provides insight into withheld scientific discoveries, government "conspiracy facts", mediation and overall enhancement of life through knowledge , wisdom and understanding. Ptah Shakur serves as a guide towards spiritual ascension, and explains how we can use the Laws and Principles and other little known/ withheld spiritual writings to better our lives. Please like, subscribe and share to those you love, so it can reach those willing to assist humanity in this incoming Golden Age. All questions can be sent to or Ptah Shakur on Facebook, ptahshakur1111 on Instagram and soon to be on Rumble and Patreon. Love and Light to you all.