American Constitutional Conservative
388 FollowersAmerican citizen activist exposing the Red/Black/Green Alliance and their quest to destroy America and our Constitutional Republic
American citizen activist exposing the Red/Black/Green Alliance and their quest to destroy America and our Constitutional Republic
The American Constitutional Rights Union (ACRU) is dedicated to defending the constitutional rights of all Americans. ACRU stands against harmful, anti-constitutional ideologies that have taken hold in our nation’s courts, culture, and bureaucracies. We defend and promote free speech, religious liberty, the Second Amendment, national sovereignty, and election integrity. We hope you will join us in the fight to protect America, the best and last hope for freedom.
Explain the US Constitution and American Heritage
The Freedom515 movement is an opportunity for Americans to stand together for our constitutional rights, freedom, and civil liberties. We will no longer accept a government that does not work for the people and a media agenda aimed at dividing this country. The time to take a stand in solidarity with your fellow patriots is now. Join us.
Place to see true Patriot videos, no censuring allowed. F.A.F.O. and F' Antifa! Proud Of Your Boy (POYB)
America was founded as a Constitutional Republic NOT a Democracy. The Democratic Party is no longer the party of my Father Grandfather or JFK and it is no long my Party
Just Facts not opinions
Talking about how being a conservative is not a narrow label
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