Larson Electronics - American Made and Manufactured Industrial Lighting and UVC Products
145 FollowersLarson Electronics was started by Ernie Larson in 1973. For nearly 40 years, Larson Electronics has built quality lighting products for the cable, telephone and electric utility industry. Using the Larson Electronics website, we reach new customers in various industries, including utilities, construction and towing. Larson Electronics also services federal, state and local governments throughout the United States and Europe. The US Secret Service, US State Department, Department of Homeland Security. We also provide products to all branches of the US military, both domestically and internationally. We support our customers before, during, and after the sale and maintain a wide inventory of parts and accessories allowing us to service the products we sell. Browse our collection of products and information here on Larsonelectronics.com to learn more about us and how we can help you find solutions for all of your heavy duty and hazardous location lighting needs.
80 FollowersOpening Eyes & Saving White Lives. Hasn't it become perfectly clear to everyone? The Invasion of Non-Whites into America and The West is strictly designed for Whites destruction by the Jews. The Jew hates Whites and Christians simply because we see through their Bullshit. We must not let them get away with the White Genocide but instead fight fire with fire and extinguish the Flame Of Evil... UNITY IS THE ONLY WAY. JOIN US!
Biserica Sfânta Treime, LA * Paroh: Pr. Protopop Constantin Alecse
38 FollowersEducatia Religioasa [Canal Video]: https://rumble.com/c/SfantaTreime Provocări Contemporate [Canal Video]: https://rumble.com/c/c-6375476 EDUCATIA RELIGIOASA ȘI RĂSPUNSURI LA PROVOCĂRILE CONTEMPORANE Biserica Ortodoxă Română Americană Sfânta Treime din Los Angeles, în încercarea sa de a-și ajuta credincioșii săi, și alți Internauți interesați, ortodocși și neortodocși laolaltă, să cunoască și să aprofundeze mai mult cunoștințele lor despre credința ortodoxă si practicile sale liturgice, și a se implica, prin dialog sincer, la cautarea unor răspunsuri la întrebările privind provocările și problemele contemporane ale societății de astăzi, aproape „post-creștină”, a creat două (2) Canale, pe platforma RUMBLE, după cum urmeaza: 1). Educatia Religioasa [Canal Video]: https://rumble.com/c/SfantaTreime 2). Provocări Contemporate [Canal Video]: https://rumble.com/c/c-6375476 *** 1A). In primul Canal [Educatia Religioasa] sunt abordate subieste legate de cunoasterea credinței ortodoxe prin prezentarea de interviuri și predici ale unor ierarhi ortodocși, preoților, călugărilor și diverșilor teologi, din întreaga lume, pe chestiuni și subiecte interesante, pe teme variate legate de biserică: Istoria și Învățăturile bisericilor, ]n special creștin-ortodoxe, educația religioasă, predicile, studiul biblic, școlile duminicale și retrageri spirituale, etc. 2A). In cel de al doilea Canal [Provocări Contemporate], sunt abordate, între altele, următoarele tematici: • Problemele religioase contemporane legate de religie includ secularizarea societății, ascensiunea fundamentalismului religios, relația religiei cu globalizarea și modernizarea economică, conflictele acesteia cu știința și relația sa în schimbare cu arta. • Probleme morale contemporane legate de lipsa de pace și armonie, scăderea încrederii intre oameni, creșterea criminalității și a comportamentului lipsit de etică, crimă, furt, viol, minciună și încălcarea promisiunilor, avort, eutanasie, pedeapsa capitală, moralitate sexuală, inginerie genetică, economie inegalitatea, încălzirea globală, bunăstarea și justiția socială și anihilarea unei coeziuni sociale. • Probleme etice contemporane: autonomie, binefacere, si dreptate sociala. Fiecare persoană are dreptul de a lua propriile decizii pe baza propriilor convingeri și valori. Problemele abordate mai sus, și multe altele, desigur că influențează identitatea individuală și autoritatea religioasă a Religiilor lumii; persoanele private și instotițiile civice, în ceeace privește funcționarea societății contemporane; căsătoria și familia; utilizarea timpului, a banilor și a altor resurse personale; calitatea și valoarea vieții; interpretarea binelui și răului în viețuirea colectivă; egalitate și diferență; conflict și violență, probleme globale, etc... *** Limba Română: Educatia Religioasa [Canal Video]: https://rumble.com/c/SfantaTreime Provocări Contemporate [Canal Video]: https://rumble.com/c/c-6375476 Biserica Sf. Treime pe FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/biseica.org/ Limba Engleză: Religious Education Video-Channel - https://rumble.com/c/HTRAOC Contemporary Challenges and Issues - https://rumble.com/c/c-6375392 Holy Trinity Church on FaceBook - https://www.facebook.com/HTRAOC Disclaimer: Canalele menționate mai sus aparțin Bisericii Ortodoxe Române Americane Sfânta Treime (www.biserica.org), o parohie sub „Mitropolia Ortodoxă Română a celor 2 Americi” (www.mitropolia.us) Dacă aveți întrebări și/sau sugestii, vă rugăm să contactați administratorul acestei platforme, părintele Constantin Alecse [FRCA-email: constantinalecse@gmail.com] !!! Abonați-vă la aceste canale pentru a primi actualizări viitoare și postări noi. Binecuvantari frățești, Părintele Constantin Alecse
Cornwall Gay LGBTQIA Pride Series UK Art and culture Music
27 FollowersCornwall Gay LGBTQIA Pride Series UK Art and culture Music Thanks to Cornwall Pride org. Support Pride and diversity localy and worldwide. LOVE SummerTime TV Magazine Worldwide. Recording Pride in Europe since 1992. Join us. It's A Liferstyle Thing Yours.
Today Is America
26 FollowersWe are Today Is America.
Ex-Captive Productions
26 FollowersGod inspired music and other related content. Founder: Erin Reilly Est. 2020
18 FollowersObservations By Americans T.O.M.A. Productions
17 Followerscurated compilation of contributed clips: views, visions, voices; perspectives (provocative if not positive); quotes, quibbles and foibles - from Americans (naturalized, native born, new blood or old guard).
Muscle Lubricants Will Save You Money
16 FollowersManufacturer of the "Original" Metal Treatment, Muscle Products Corp. leads the industry in producing specialty lubricants, additives and greases. Systems requiring oil or grease for lubrication are virtually everywhere. If you can imagine the lubrication areas, Muscle products can fulfill the need.
I Love America! Productions
15 FollowersI Love America! Productions promotes patriotism and traditional American values through animated music videos featuring the original characters Doug the Dog and Kate the Cat.
13 FollowersTea Party Media presents Esoteric Productions
10 FollowersKingEricproductions
7 FollowersPlymouth Gay LGBTQIA Pride series UK
6 FollowersPlymouth Gay LGBTQIA Pride series UK. Plymouth is an interesting City that still needs to remember what stonewall was all about. in 2023
Video Production
6 Followerscreate video content
American Pride
6 FollowersPromote American Culture/Pride to #MAGA. It's an echo chamber so liberal-Marxist crap is not welcome! Eradicate the uniparty ASAP! Organize. FIX ELECTIONS NOW!
Truro Cornwall England Gay+LGBTQIA+Pride 2024 series
5 FollowersTruro Cornwall England Gay+LGBTQIA+Pride 2024 series Cornwall Pride Org wit thanks and the heros involved in Cornwall Pride
5 FollowersBlerim Serica / Music Production
4 FollowersI love music and produce music for you all.Welcome to My World
Product Videos
4 FollowersProduct Information Training Videos
Plymouth Devon Gay LGBTQIA+ Pride Parade Plymouth to Central Park Full series 22nd June 2024
4 FollowersPlymouth Devon Gay LGBTQIA+ Pride Parade Plymouth to Central Park Full series 22nd June 2024 Part 1
4 FollowersBrickInsight: Unveiling LEGO Magic! 🌟 Product Reviews & News Galore!
3 FollowersWelcome to BrickInsight, your ultimate destination for all things LEGO! 🧱✨ Immerse yourself in the world of creativity as we bring you in-depth Lego product reviews and the latest news from the brick universe. From epic builds to exclusive releases, join us on a journey where every brick tells a story. Subscribe now for a front-row seat to the enchanting realm of Lego wonders! #LEGO #BrickInsight #ToyReviews, LegoNews, BuildingFun, CreativeBricks, LegoSets, ToyUnboxing, BrickMasterpiece, LegoCreators, ToyWorld, LegoMagic"
Hajimoto Productions - Pest Elimination Series
3 FollowersThis is a a collection of videos that deals with the elimination of pest critters. It can be mice, chipmunks, invasive species of birds or any other creature that needs to have its population managed.
Esoteric Productions
3 FollowersThe Carolina Bellwether Podcast. An American Beacon Media Production
3 FollowersHome of the Carolina Bellwether Podcast. An American Beacon Media Production via TheAmericanBeacon.com. \nAmerica needs a little more righteous indignation!
Dan's Rest Stop (Series)
2 FollowersDan's Rest Stop is a series of videos divided into 3 parts (1) Faith, (2) Funny Memories, and (3) Puppets. The short videos range from about 1 minute to 5 1/2 minutes. The stories told in the faith based and funny memories segments are true. Take a break from everyday life. Welcome to Dan's Rest Stop.
Experiência Cast
2 FollowersPodcast de variedades com foco em empreendedorismo
Exeter Devon Gay LGBTQIA+Pride series
2 FollowersExeter 16th May Gay LGBTQIA+Pride 2015. Exeter Devon UK Gay LGBTQIA_Pride 16th May 2015 Andy and Rita. Parts of the series Pride in Europe since 1992. I have recorded pride in Amsterdam, Madrid, Milan, Barcelona, Lisbon, Bordeaux and many more. It's about being who we are not what others are conditioned to make us. Chris Summerfield video and photography since 1992. LOVE SummerTime TV Magazine Worldwide
This channel will review some of the best modern Health, Beauty and Fitness Products and Services in the USA and world wide
2 FollowersAmerica 1st Productions
2 FollowersAmerica 1st Productions produces shows and documentaries that promote the founding principles of the United States of America - one nation, under God, with liberty and justice for all!
CSI - Common Sense Investigated Podcast Series
2 FollowersInspired and fashioned by Thomas Paine's pamphlet of the same name, Common Sense Investigated analyzes both Socratic forms of governance and the Jungian aspects of human nature. Drawing from diverse and masterful sources of both academic and applied disciplines, Gavin brings reason and rationality into the realms of basic understanding. Weaving elements of art, philosophy, government, politics, science and medicine, Gavin advances tenets of humanity that have been lacking for decades. In an epoch of precarity and perplexity, this podcast brings agency and hope to a weary public.
2 FollowersMrproducerice
2 FollowersRIPRediscoveringInnovationsAndPatents
1 Followeranimator
1 FollowerI do stop motions.
American Production
1 FollowerExperiential Learning Processes and Products
1 FollowerVideos in this channel focus on how-to processes for analyziing, designing, developing, implementing, and evaluating multi-media learning materials. There are learning products that reflect the processes but don\\\'t explain them, and instruction materials that fully explain and demonstrate experiential learning processes.