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Sunday Morning Futures with Maria Bartiromo is a Fox News program that focuses on in-depth interviews with top business leaders, policymakers, and political figures. The show covers the latest economic trends, global politics, and market shifts, providing viewers with expert insights into how these factors impact the U.S. economy and their daily lives. It also includes discussions about economic policies, business strategies, and future forecasts for industries, helping viewers understand the intersection of politics and finance.

100 Mitos da Revolução Russa


Será que a Rússia imperial era um país atrasado? Rasputin era um devasso? Nicolau II era um imperador fraco? O comunismo melhorou a vida dos pobres? Quem patrocinou a revolução russa? Finalmente essas questões, sempre envoltas em discursos político e especulações filosóficas, poderão ser respondidas de modo científico e racional. Com o fim da União Soviética foram disponibilizados documentos, até então inacessíveis ao grande público. Neste canal o público terá acesso a mais de 100 anos de segredos que prometem mudar todos os seus preconceitos a respeito da história russa. Tudo isso de uma forma simples e divertida.

$100 Million Journey

1 Follower

Join me on an epic journey from nothing to $100 million! Hey there, folks! Get ready for an incredible journey with yours truly – an immigrant from Sri Lanka making a go of it down under in Australia. Now, here's the kicker: my English is a work in progress, and I'm as far away from rich networks as it gets. But guess what? I'm not throwing in the towel! I'll be dishing out videos, at least one a week (maybe more), spilling the beans on my journey. And guess what else? Every Sunday, I'll be your update hotline. So, hop on board this thrilling adventure with me. Will we hit that jaw-dropping $100 million jackpot, or is there a different twist in store? Stay tuned, because we're in for a wild ride! 🚀💰