"Nigerian worldwide news encompasses the reporting and dissemination of events, issues, and developments that transcend national boundaries and have global significance. It encompasses a broad spectrum of topics, including geopolitics, international relations, conflicts, environmental issues, health crises, economic trends, and cultural phenomena. Through a network of international news agencies, media outlets, and digital platforms, nigerian worldwide news connects people from different parts of the globe, providing them with a comprehensive understanding of global affairs. It serves to bridge cultural divides, promote cross-cultural understanding, and highlight the interconnectedness of the world. From major global events to local stories with global implications, nigerian worldwide news shapes our understanding of the world and influences collective responses to global challenges."

Elite Justice Force Squad Book Series Vlogs


Welcome to my Rumble channel! This platform will be my mainstay for video content containing updates from Michael J. Beasley, the author/creator of the Elite Justice Force Squad series. I will post videos periodically and semi-regularly to update my fans and followers on upcoming titles and book release news. I am also on Goodreads, where I post monthly blogs on my profile. If you want to find more information about my literature, please check out my social media links.