AngelTalks: awakening to your true Self


AngelTalks: the Awakening to your true self. In this channel i will share my guided meditations, inspiration regarding the awakening to your true Self and what's going on in a global scale. "Just remember who you are and the world will change." We are living in amazing times and now its time to wake up to your true self. Time to embrace the magicians and creators we are. To do what we came here for. Its the time to stand up and make this world a better place, because we are ones we've been waiting for...

Aquiato Wave


My name is Michael, but I also go by Aquiato Wave. This channel is dedicated to making commentary videos that educate and entertain. We're at war "...against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." These Loserferians cannot stop me from spreading the truth. God bless you, and I hope to see you again in the future. LinkTree: YouTube: Twitch: