¡Aprende electrónica ya!


Canal enfocado a la creación de cursos y tutoriales de electrónica, microcontroladores, arduino, ESP32, STM32, PIC, AVR, raspberry py, bluepill, blackpill, mycropython, Free-RTOS, electrónica analógica y electrónica digital. También compartimos proyectos de electrónica. Todo el contenido es para novatos y aficionados a la electrónica, para que aprendan de forma amena y desde cero todos los conceptos básicos que les permitirán realizar sus propios proyectos. Te invitamos a que te suscribas y compartas el contenido para llegar a más entusiastas.

Resistância Intelectual S.A.


If you're American, you might wonder, what do I have to do with Brazil, unless you'd like to vacation in Rio de Janeiro. But if you're conservative, we can share experiences and events that are happening simultaneously in our countries and have an agenda to destroy our traditions and culture. At this point, this space will post our content with English captions so you can engage. In this space, we will publish our group's podcasts. Unfortunately, conservatives have been facing oppression, so this platform is the last one that accepts the denial of the globalist discourse. In addition to the channels we have on podcast platforms, this becomes our most significant stronghold of security against the advances of the global dictatorship of progressivism. Finally, let me introduce myself. I am a history professor, and my duty is to speak the truth about what is happening in the world, regardless of your nationality. So, I will be pleased to have you with me. Best regards.