Ham On The Air with KD2REU


In 2019 I became a licensed amateur radio operator - KD2REU. I started with an inexpensive HT on VHF. A few months after that, I upgraded my FCC license and began experimenting with HF. With this new hobby, I am learning the radio business from the ground up. Through my adventures, challenges, mishaps, and achievements, I want to share the knowledge I am gathering with other new hams who are starting the same journey. I also invite more experienced hams to this community so that we can help grow the hobby together! Without the experienced hams out there sharing their passion for this hobby it wouldn\'t have much of a future. We will visit destinations related to amateur radio, ham fests, museums, clubs, stations, ham shacks, conventions, gatherings, educational programs, and much, much more. We will share knowledge and learn and laugh together. Please join me on this journey as I document my adventures and help spread excitement and enthusiasm for the amateur radio hobby!

The Patriot Cause


American patriots take an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. The Communist Manifesto says that communism destroys all religion and all morality. We make the mistake of negotiating with these socialists just on the basis of economics when in reality it is about metaphysics and ontology (the branch of metaphysics dealing with the nature of being) - it is about attacking and destroying your values, your culture. your ideas and the foundations of your society.

The Phillip Scott Show Verified


The Phillip Scott Show will dive into the world of Hollywood, TV, Sports, the Internet & Music industry. We aren't gossiping about celebrities but will attempt to bring common sense and balance to what's presented. Celebrities influence trends, lingo, and perception on a worldwide scale. We will challenge the influence and hidden messages that's being conveyed. We also will interview people to bring clarity or ask tough questions. Make sure to subscribe and click the notification bell so you know when we upload. We thank you for visiting our channel.