Texas Ephraim Ministries International


Texas Ephraim Ministries is looking for the 10 lost tribes of Israel, who are scattered all over the world. Jesus Christ came looking for the "lost sheep of the house of Israel" as He tells in Matthew 10:5-7 and Matthew 15:24. We believe that Jesus is the Son of God the Father and came as the Messiah to become the perfect sacrifice for all of mankind’s sin so that all could have eternal life. Three days after he died he was raised from the dead and now sits at the right hand side of the Father. We believe in the baptism of the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in other tongues as well as healing, deliverance, miracles, signs and wonders. We believe in utilizing the five-fold ministry and are led by real, Torah-observant Prophets. You are welcome to come join this great move of God happening right now on the face of this earth!

Texas Garden Doc


I’m here to help new & hobby gardeners take their gardens to the next level with tips and tricks that I learned over the years to elevate their gardening game! Howdy! My name's Doc. I've been gardening off and on since 2006 and after taking a break for the last couple of years, I realized just how much I missed getting my hands dirty! Gardening is one of the most rewarding and frustrating endeavors you'll ever participate in but it is one hundred percent worth every struggle you come up against! It doesn't matter if you have 20 acres or 20 square feet of concrete, you can garden anywhere! I'm here to help new gardeners get the information they need to get up and running or even maintain what they've already started. Don't get me wrong though, I have a few tricks I've learned myself over the years, and from family, that can benefit just about anyone! So join me on my journey and I hope we can all help each other along the way!

The Texas Cultivator


Welcome to Texas! The goal of this channel is to encourage and offer educational videos for urban cultivation in Texas all while having fun! We'll be exploring many different ways to cultivate an urban farming life style. Below are the main topics that this channel plans on covering. - Backyard gardening - Rabbits - Chickens - Bees - Hydroponics & Tilapia (fish) Open to adding new topics as requested!!! All proceeds from this channel go directly to help the Fort Worth, TX refugees. Most of them are from agrarian societies and need help with food now that they are unable to provide for themselves. There are many other ways anyone could help the refugees and if you're interested in volunteering and live in the DFW (Texas) area reach out to me via email!