Matheus Rangel - Dicas Offshore


Somos o maior canal de Dicas Offshore! Trabalho embarcado desde meus 19 anos, e com isso já participei de diversos processos seletivos no setor de óleo e gás. Com esse conhecimento , tenho ajudado pessoas a conquistarem o tão sonhado emprego offshore. Aqui você vai ver Dicas, Entrevistas e tudo que você precisa saber sobre o mercado offshore você encontra aqui. Acompanhe e compartilhe . Se inscreva na nossas redes sociais. Mande suas perguntas!! NOSSAS REDES SOCIAIS Instagram: @matheus_rangel LinkedIn: E-mail:

PSYCHSHORTS2GO Advent Elevate Your Brain 🌱New Videos Ever


Thanks for Watching! Don't forget to LIKE and Follow !! _________________ I hope you like it! _________________ Thank you! Saving lives by building a community around mental health and psychology animated content. Our mission is to give you the hard topics and make it relatable and understandable: we hope to decrease the stigma associated with mental health and bring light to the darkness. This channel started back in 2023 when the founder has just graduated from his Bol psychology degree from UBC. After realizing the power of psychology, he wanted to share what he was learning to the world. Psychshorts2go is more than just a psychology channel. Psychshorts2Go empowers people to seek professional help by validating the challenges that we all go through. Our team now extends beyond just students, but also professionals. working in the field. You will see series of interviews with experts. stories from real people who went through mental health challenges. and also relationships advice. Disclaimer: Don't use our content to self diagnose though. Use it as a starting point for self-advocating.