覚醒|Awakening Channel





If you are here that means you are tired of all the lies and crimes around the globe. Don't be afraid, this needs to happen it's inevitable and don't worry everything will come together step by step. This is the place you need to be in order to understand what is The Great Awakening. Watch at least 50% of the videos here and we promise, you will understand everything that is happening around the world and why. Please take into consideration that you need to keep an opened mind and the information provided needs to be researched. Website: https://greatawakeninglist.com Telegram: https://t.me/TheGreatAwakeningC There are multiple scenarios but all of them converge into a single one, find out what that is. Enjoy the show!

Slave Mind Awakening


In a world where censorship tightens its grip on social platforms, the quest for unfiltered truth becomes ever more vital. We must unite, maintain our connections, and stand against the forces trying to disconnect us from reality. Chaos reigns, corruption looms, and many Western governments veer towards authoritarianism. The battle for free speech is a battle for our very essence. It's a war between light and darkness, and you're a part of it. Your choices are stark: yield and consign your lineage to servitude, or rise and wage a war for liberty and the future of humanity.



Amâeil's AwakeningtheTruthWithin.com for Sacred Inner Balance Over 250 INSPIRATIONAL & EDUCATIONAL MESSAGES for your sacred, inner balance. Use them as a Divining tool to receive the most relevant message for you. INTUITIVE COUNSELING & KRYSTAL LIGHTBODY HEALING SERVICES Healing for individuals, conscious couples, children and animals. The time for your healing is now. What if you could see the world right now through new eyes? What if you could be free of your pain? What if you could feel peace? I’ve been helping people heal for over 24 years through clear intuitive guidance, and healing the lightbody through a precise and intelligent healing system addressing all 15 energy bodies of consciousness. Your healing session meets your unique needs to heal the cause of your concern. You are deserving of inner peace, inner stability and freedom - now. To book your first appointment please go to my website, select the tab "Book Appt." and complete the questionnaire. Please visit my website for: descriptions of my services free healing tools over 300 educational and inspiring articles to subscribe to my free monthly newsletter “Being the Peace”

Awakening Action Class


he Awakening Action Class is an online curriculum exploring the Truth of America’s undeniable connection to Great Moves of God. The First and Second Great Awakenings birthed this Land That We Love and preserved our union while upholding our sacred founding value of All Men Created Equal. We believe we are in a Third Great Awakening that is restoring our identity as one sovereign nation under God and that every American is essential to its success. Our class offers more than 15 action steps that, when taken, will preserve our nation’s remarkable legacy of freedom for generations to come.

Rainman's Take


Welcome to “Rainman’s Take”! My name is Brian, the “Rainman” Lukacz and I’m based in Southern California. The name Rainman was my callsign from my days flying helicopters in US Marine Corps. \nSome of the things you can expect from the show. First, the format will be a variety podcast. I’m an insatiable reader, and I’m trying to understand the truth or as close to it as we can get. I love talking about history, politics, current affairs, cultural issues, you name it, if it interests me you will get my “Take” on it. The schedule will be one episode a week coming out on Thursdays. \nI started “Rainman’s Take” as a place to express my opinions and views on the world we live in. I highly encourage listener feedback and involvement especially from people who disagree with me. I want the channel to be a community of individuals who think for themselves and realize there is more to any story than what we are being told by the current media industry.