Dragonfly Mystery


Si te gusta el misterio este es tu canal. Aquí emitimos en directo para tener una conexión directa con vosotros. Pero también hay espacio para la reflexión, el misterio, el aprendizaje y la sorpresa. Nuestra misión es la búsqueda de lo desconocido, porque hay muchas cosas que no nos cuentan. Debatimos todos aquellos temas que nos mantienen ocultos, porque al final, lo único que cuenta es que nosotros debemos construir nuestra propia realidad. El contenido que se presenta en los videos de este canal plantea solamente teorías e hipótesis, tiene únicamente como objetivo servir como entretenimiento y/o material de estudio. ¡¡LA VIDA PASA DEPRISA, NO DESAPROVECHES TU TIEMPO!!

Dragonscape Mudfossils


This channel is dedicated to the investigation of giant petrified creatures scattered over the Earth, and the uplifting of the human spirit. Our viewers are invited to recognize lost bits of true history fractured among myths and religious narratives. By becoming a supporting member of this channel you directly help the release of further compelling evidence of the existence of dragons and other beings of titanic proportions. Follow our periodic video series to receive the latest news on giant fossil discoveries and correlated subjects! Humanity deserves to regain conscience of its past and the fantastical nature of our world. It is part of our common mission. The release from trauma and Amnesia. The reunion of mankind. The lifting of the veil. Welcome to Dragonscape Mudfossils.

Tyrant Dragon


“Explore the fascinating world of dinosaurs with our channel, where every week we take you on a journey through time to discover the most amazing creatures that ever walked the Earth. From the giants of the Jurassic to the fast hunters of the Cretaceous, delve into paleontology, the latest finds, and theories about their extinction. Join our community of prehistory enthusiasts and experience the dinosaur adventure like never before!” Subscribe to Meteorsaurus Tyrant Dragon, clips of dinosaurs and more!