Since I can think of myself I was a nerd - and I still identify myself as one. In my childhood I got bullied a lot. People made fun of me and I got ridiculed because of the way I approached life as I questioned nearly everything. Time passed and growing up I discovered that my nerdiness was less of a handicap but an incredible superpower. I was able to concentrate for months on a task or topic and not leave my room for that time period, except for taking care of basic human needs. I learned to program websites, applications, design products and helped to create multiple brands and companies. I deep dived into various spiritual teachings, philosophy and psychology, neurolinguistic programming and social dynamics. For over a decade I worked as a brand and marketing consultant and sales trainer for several international companies. In 2020 I was able to profitably sell a few of my brands and products to an eCommerce aggregator. And now I am here to share, give back and to inspire.