Patriots 2020


We love our president. Yes, we want him to want him reelected. Hopefully, that will happen. The first word in our name is PATRIOTS. pa·tri·ot - /ˈpātrēət/ noun noun. a person who loves, supports, and defends his or her country and its interests with devotion. a person who regards himself or herself as a defender, especially of individual rights, against presumed interference by the federal government and Enemies both foreign and domestic. As patriots we are not only loyal to a single person or a single fight. We are loyal to our country, our Republic, our fellow citizens, and the freedoms we enjoy. This page is not going anywhere after the results of the election are decided. It is my hope is that it will continue to grow and that you all continue to share your thought and ideas to make it better. I know some people are shy and feel more comfortable to observe in silence (that’s fine we understand) But I encourage people to no only share memes but continue to share articles, videos and Yes your personal thoughts regarding what’s happening in the world and locally. Some of the greatest ideas throughout history never came to be, because it was never shared

The Patriot Sisters


Patriotic sisters with a passion to see our generation come back to the real truth. We are unapologetically us 🇺🇸\n\nSHOP OUR MERCH --\n\nUnleashed Podcast:\n\nStay Connect!\n\n\n✰ social media ✰\ninsta: @ThePatriotSisters\n↳\nfacebook: @ThePatriotSisters\n↳\nParler: @ThePatriotSisters\n↳\ntwitter: @SistersPatriots\n\nBusiness/Interview Inquiries:\n\n

Creepypasta TV ENG


Support the channel! PayPal: QIWI: XANDER92 Thank you! Cool merchandise with the channel logo You can buy it here Scary stories that take your breath away. Horror stories told at night. Kripipasta that gives you goosebumps. Stories that you can't help but hear the end. Tales that scare children. scary stories Scary stories at night scary stories from life bedtime stories Bedtime stories scary stories stories creepy stories mystic terrors life stories creepypasta graveyard night life stories top 10 Christian stories interesting stories story audio books amazing stories top 10 top 10 top 5 top 5 creepypasta scary stories about the village facts scary story mystical stories

The Patriot Perspective Verified


Our mission is to continually bring light to those who do not understand, to protect individual freedoms by defending the Constitution and to expose tyranny wherever it raises its ugly head. ​ Join us. Join the millions of Americans who understand the stakes and insist on continuing to abide by the Constitution. Assist us in promoting the spirit of always improving on what has preceded us and protecting the rights of our country\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s greatest asset - its children. ​ God Bless America!