Poisonous People

1 Follower

Toxic people are the worst! We want to avoid them as much as possible, but more importantly, we want to avoid *becoming* them. I'm Jen Guerriero (pronounced "Gary-Arrow"). My goal is to help you navigate the jungle of toxic behaviors that you and I encounter *and manifest* every single day. We are all Poisonous People: every single one of us. Recognizing our own flaws is the key to conquering them. I believe the best way we can become happier, healthier humans is by improving three skills: critical thinking, humility, and humor. I am a former cult member. I believe that true choice can only be achieved when we look at an issue from multiple angles. Many of my videos present a contrary position to popular viewpoints on certain topics. This is not meant to be divisive, but to encourage critical thinking. Nothing on this channel is intended to substitute for the treatment provided by myself or another mental health professional.

Roids Rage Podcast - Axelmason

1 Follower

Se sei qui per i solito contenuti sul fitness, sei nel posto sbagliato. Questo è il canale dove si parla di Bodybuilding senza pietà e si punta solo alla vetta. Niente mezze misure, niente perdenti. Vuoi dominare in palestra? Vuoi lasciare indietro la massa e diventare una macchina da guerra? Allora seguimi. Qui ti mostro come si sfonda ogni limite, come si diventa un vero animale, sia nel fisico che nella testa. Sei pronto a fare sul serio o rimarrai a guardare?

Mac Help For Mom Verified

1 Follower

MacHelpForMom.com is the place to learn how to use your Mac computer better. My video tutorials cover the basics of using your Mac and also some tricks that can make your life easier. I also cover various aspects of popular Mac applications like iTunes, iPhoto, and Safari, as well as lots of tips about email and web surfing. If you don't see a video that answers a question you may have, you can ask your question on the "Got a Question?" tab on the MacHelpForMom.com website.