Messengers of Present Truth Ministries


We are now standing on the threshold of great and solemn events. A crisis is before us, such as the world has never witnessed. Eternity stretches before us. The curtain is about to be lifted. Our purpose for existence as a ministry is to prepare a people to stand true to God when judgment shifts from the dead to the living at the passing of a National Sunday Law. "God's purpose in giving the third angel's message to the world is to prepare a people to stand true to Him during the investigative judgment. This is the purpose for which we establish and maintain our publishing houses, our schools, our sanitariums, hygienic restaurants, treatment rooms, and food factories. This is our purpose in carrying forward every line of work in the cause." {1MR 228.2} Get ready! Get ready! Get ready! For more present truth visit us:



Hello I am MilitaryTube. MilitaryTube is a NON-POLITICAL history and gun channel presenting films on a variety of fascinating and largely forgotten historical subjects and current events, with a special focus on World War Two, the Cold War and the Russo-Ukrainian War. Have a business proposition such as a sponsorship proposal? Get in touch by email below! For business enquiries: Thank you for checking out our channel, and we look forward to bringing you more exciting content soon. Have a nice day!!! MILITARY-TUBE

Dominiquae Bierman TV


It is time for the greatest restoration of all times: The Jewish people back to their Messiah and the Christians back to the original Gospel which was preached by the Jewish Apostles. For almost 2000 years the world has been waiting for this great restoration, the angels are watching, the demons are trembling.We Invite you to make "Spiritual Alyah" and COME UP TO ZION! Our tours and trainings in Israel are REVOLUTIONARY! they will EQUIP you and your congregation to enter into the End Time Move of God. Our books and materials will reconnect you to the Jewish Roots of the Faith and you will be transformed! Connect with us:

Angel Haven Ministry


Welcome to my channel, dedicated to those who are seeking information , support and spiritual Christian counseling for narcissistic abuse and recovery. I have been led by the Lord to create this channel, to inform others of the intense spiritual warfare behind malignant narcissists, and to offer Christian based information, support, prayer and guidance to those seeking deliverance from this life altering experience. Please also subscribe on YouTube: Donate: CASH CASH APP: $AngelHavenMinistry PAYPAL :