Upside App Verified


Welcome to Upside, the channel to learn about how you can EARN, Spend, and SAVE smarter! Subscribe for weekly videos and content about money hacks, how to make smarter economic choices and EASY ways to earn and save in our daily lives. Upside is a platform that lets you shop as usual and earn cash back, but in a way that makes sure businesses earn too. Claim an offer and get the most value on gas, groceries, and restaurants. There’s no limit to how much you can earn, and you can even use it with other coupons, discounts, and loyalty programs. We’re not your average cash back app. This is a win-win for you AND the store you’re buying from. So buy what you need and feel good about it. When we’re all better off, communities thrive. Download Upside App: Use Promo Code “OSCAR7642” to get a BONUS 25 cents per gallon cash back on your next gas fill-up!

The Relaxation Hideaway


Welcome to our channel! In a time when everything seems to be going crazy - whether that is the economy, work or simply just life we all need time to relax and decompress. That's where we come in! Our aim is to help you unwind, destress and sometimes wonder into the abyss just for a moment. We will look to get all sounds of relaxation! Whether you want to sleep, study, work, meditate or simply enjoy unique sounds or background music we got you covered! If we don't have the sounds you need, by all means get in touch and we will look to get it. We will also look to put up some how to videos where applicable! A future aim of this channel is to evolve into anything relaxation related or wellness. Which will include possible some how to videos and product reviews.



¡Suscríbete a Ferreidea y forma parte de nuestra comunidad educativa donde podrás aprender sobre muchos temas distintos! En Ferreidea, nuestro objetivo es brindar educación mediante nuestro canal con contenidos de calidad. Nuestros videos están diseñados para aclarar conceptos erróneos y explicar tecnologías complicadas de una manera sencilla. También puedes visitar nuestra tienda online "" donde podrás encontrar todo tipo de artículos relacionados con la Ferretería, Bricolaje, Electrónica y Jardinería. Preguntas frecuentes: 1. ¿Puedo subir videos de Ferreidea a cualquier otra red social? No, todos los videos que subimos a YouTube tienen derechos de autor asociados. Eliminamos todas las subidas ilegales poniéndonos en contacto con la red respectiva. Sin embargo, no hay ningún problema en compartir nuestros videos mediante el enlace de YouTube, nos enorgullece que se compartan nuestros videos. 2. ¿Cuál es el software de animaciones que utilizamos? VideoScribe