Dad Gamer Club


Hi! I'm a Dad Gamer and Casual sharing my experiences in RPGs and MMOs. I've been playing RPGs and FPS games for decades. My first game was Super Mario Bros. and Duckhunt back in ye-olde NES days. Followed that up with The Legend of Zelda and platform games for nearly a decade. In the 90s, I was introduced to RPGs via a little game called Harvest Moon. That peaked my interest into RPGs, although didn't solidify my love for them. It wasn't until Final Fantasy 7 that my switch to RPGs was complete. I fell in love with that game and it continues to be my favorite game to this day. My love of the game led to me becoming a relatively devoted fan of Squaresoft, Square and Square Enix RPGs playing the following FF games from that point on. This led me to my second love, World of Warcraft. My experiences with WoW began playing off my brother's account. This eventually led to me having my own account during Warlords of Draenor. I've been hooked ever since.

Mental Game Mastery


Welcome to Coach P's channel! I'm excited that you found me! My channel is designed for those who want to get better not just in sports and business, but in life. Be sure to subscribe. It helps with me to continue to create content that helps #athletes achieve their #athletic #goals In each video, Coach P breaks down the different aspects of mental toughness into simple strategies. From the locker room to the boardroom, Coach P helps elite athletes and business professionals build the mental skills they need to perform their best when it means the most. Want Coach P's Insights sent to your inbox? Subscribe here I promise I don't spam. I am a real person who helps real people achieve results. I will only send out insights if I feel that it will benefit you to perform your best! #mentalgame #sportspsychology #sportspodcast #athletemindset #peakperformance

Gaming Life


NEW SCHEDULE! We got some fancy new things in town boyzzzzz. Mining Mondays: Deep Rock Tidy-up Tuesday: Viscera Cleanup Whimsical Wednesday: Creativerse Tekken Thursday: You guessed it, TEKKEN Fright Night Friday: Any coop horror game also feat: If we don't get Rat to join it will turn into: FPS Friday: Overwatch or Apex Story Time Saturday: (Unknown still deciding) _________________________________________ STREAMS WILL START AROUND 9-10 PM PST SCHEDULE MAY VARY DUE TO MY SMALL HUMAN AND MY UNHEALTHY OVERWATCH ADDICTION



Whats up! Thanks for stopping by. The name is Spoon33 or just Spoon. Im from the Bay Area, CA and Im here to share my love for gaming and making YOU yes YOU laugh. I consider myself to be a VARIETY GAMER, multi game professional, meaning I play HELLA different games you feel me. I just recently started to stream and upload videos in 2022 and its hella fun! Im loving this.I love gaming and plan on playing alot of different genres! Or whatever you can suggest! Thanks for watching, thanks for liking and welcome to Spoon Nation! I appreciate you and everything you do! Also im on Youtube!

The Shady Gamer Channel


Greetings and salutations foolish mortal! You have stumbled upon my channel it seems. How you ended up here is one of life\'s greatest mysteries but here you are. What will you find here? A myriad of videos that have spawned from my curious, ever-evolving brain fueled by my various interests, hobbies and even annoyances in life drizzled with the oh so savory sauce of geekyness. Honestly you will find the most random things here from videogame/movie/food/product reviews to convention trips, sad attempts at vlogging, travel vids and ofcourse videos of me talking about shit that annoys me. Oh and don\'t forget the clips that don\'t make any sense, I especially like those~ Sometimes it\'s just me, sometimes i\'m joined by my friends or as the police would refer to them: my accomplices. At other times there might be cats cuz cats are cool. There might be aliens too... and demons... and well you\'ll find out. Have fun!

Knox Game Design

30 Followers\r\nKnox Game Design is a group based in the Knoxville, Tennessee area that encourages people of all ages to get involved with game design and development. The group welcomes people of all levels of game development skill, which include full-time indies, part-time hobbyists, and students. Meetings typically focus on exploring one aspect of game development in depth, but we always make time for anyone who wants to show off a game project that they are developing.