Foundations In CHRIST


This channel will be used to post scriptural based, foundation principles in the faith in Christ Jesus. The hope is to provide easy to understand principles and teachings that help those who want to know who this Jesus is and for those who already do but struggle with finding answer to questions about what their faith in CHRIST really means and how to walk in daily life following His teachings. He came and sought the meek and humble, not the proud and “wise”. It is my hope and prayer that this will be the place that you finally can find information that accelerates your walk with the Savior of the world. The creator of the universe. The one who loved you so much that He chose to die in your place to give the opportunity for all to have eternal life with Him in heaven.

Information Guide


Information can be defined exactly by set theory: "Information is a selection from the domain of information". The "domain of information" is a set that the sender and receiver of information must know before exchanging information. Digital information, for example, consists of building blocks that are all number sequences. Each number sequence represents a selection from its domain. The sender and receiver of digital information (number sequences) must know the domain and binary format of each number sequence before exchanging information. By defining number sequences online, this would be systematically and universally usable. Before the exchanged digital number sequence, an efficient unique link to its online definition can be set. This online-defined digital information (number sequence) would be globally comparable and globally searchable