Empowered For The Journey


"For in Him we live and move and have our being" (Acts 17:28) You are not your Trauma! My name is Mindy and I hold a BA in Pastoral leadership, an MA in Professional Counseling and am finishing up my Ed.D doctoral work in the field of counseling and Traumatology. I have been a fitness professional for over twenty years and have been a yoga facilitator for over fifteen years. I am an ACE Certified Personal Trainer and ACE Certified Health Coach and have been trained in trauma sensitive yoga. My Labradoodle Sam and I are a certified Alliance of Therapy Dogs team (therapydogs.com) and use Animal Assisted Therapy in trauma work. If you struggle with anxiety, worry, and depression &/or have been through trauma, any kind of trauma, you are NOT ALONE!! We have been made in the image of God and we are empowered as his creations to live life in freedom and strength. I hope you rediscover yourself and become empowered for the Journey- You ARE Worthy!



Wildfire is a dynamic ministry targeted towards the Jr. High and High School age kids in the area. We minister through dramas, videos, worship, and preaching the word. We believe that if God can get a hold of the hearts of young people it will change the future of our city, nation, and our world. Our purpose is to allow God to use us as tools to reach the hearts and lives of the young people in our area. The ministries we exercise are all youth oriented but anyone is invited to attend our services. https://mycrossfire.com/wildfire-students-youth

Southards Ranch


Here we will be posting updates of what we are learning to do on the ranch. I am learning from others via online to do food storage. I want to give a shout out of thanks to those who post videos about how to prepare food for long term storage. I have to adapt what I learn to my own device of use and I am so excited to learn this basic most important life lesson. These skills should had been taught to me as I was growing up but I did not have the traditional family lifestyle. I am teaching as I learn as well.