- FAA Certified Commercial / Emergency Services Drone Pilot - Welcome to FIREGROUNDIMAGES.COM and Official Rumble Channel. I will be using this channel to post videos of incidents I have recently shot for FIREGROUNDIMAGES.COM, or to post aerial work I have just completed for KM Aerial Views ( To get immediate updates when new videos are posted, as well as all newly posted fire photography and aerial photography, make sure to subscribe to this page, or follow FIREGROUNDIMAGES/Km Aerial Views at the social media links below. Also, see email address below for contact.

Firearms Reviews


Reviews of firearms and other accessories by the expert staff at The Range St. Louis West. The Range St. Louis West is a state of the art indoor shooting range, retail store and training facility located in beautiful Ballwin, MO just outside of St. Louis. We offer 20 shooting lanes, all 25 yards long, in three bays able to handle up to .30 caliber. The Range is quickly becoming the go-to facility for all things related to personal protection and preparedness training. We believe training is an evolution, a progression, and a life-long pursuit. We offer a variety of handgun, carbine and shotgun classes for all skills levels. Whether you are brand new to shooting or have trained consistently, we can help you continue your progression and skill development. Our training staff consists of active and former law enforcement, military and professional shooters. Come visit us at 14803 Manchester Rd. in Ballwin or go to Member of the NSSF, USCCA and the Caliber Club of Gun Owners of America. M-F: 10am - 8pm Sat: 9am - 6pm Sun: 10am - 6pm