Messi My Hero

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Hi everyone 👋 this is the "Messi My Hero" Rumble channel. Please Follow my channel for amazing, hot, trending videos about football and Messi. So please follow my channel. Messi is the great player of all time. He is a champion. Ronaldo is also a great football player. Let's take a look into their career. #messi #lm10 #ronaldo #messiskills #ronaldoskills #messifans #ronaldofans #football #footballshorts #soccer #soccershorts #soccerskills #footballedits #footballplayer ABOUT FOOTBALL Football, also called association football or soccer, a game in which two teams of 11 players, using any part of their bodies except their hands and arms, try to maneuver the ball into the opposing team’s goal. Only the goalkeeper is permitted to handle the ball and may do so only within the penalty area surrounding the goal. The team that scores more goals wins. 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 HIT👊 SUBSCRIBE BUTTON PLEASE 🙏

Programa Simples Assim

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Simples Assim é a nossa proposta para um programa de variedades. A fórmula não é nova, mas queremos levar a você informações importantes que podem te ajudar no dia a dia. Saúde, direito, comportamento, beleza, moda, artesanato, culinária e uma porção de coisas que podem ser interessantes. Este formato e o modo como será veiculado nos permitem total interatividade e esperamos que você se valha desta abertura para sugerir, opinar e dar pitacos à vontade. Simples Assim, sem frescura, sem grandes produções. Apenas o desejo de aprender e compartilhar com você.

Wie wäre es mit Selbstbestimmter Bildung?

1 Follower

Wie könnte eine Welt aussehen wo jeder Mensch sich selbstbestimmt bilden kann? Wie müsste Bildung aussehen dass die Menschen Rechte von Jungen Menschen geachtet werden bezüglich ihrer Bildung? In diesem Podcast unterhalte ich mich mit Menschen über "Selbstbestimmte Bildung" und die Rechte von Jungen Menschen. Wenn du mir Feedback schreiben möchtest "subscribe" dich doch auf meinem Telegram Kanal: Ich freue mich von dir zu hören! How could a world look like where every human being can self-direct there education? How would education have to look so that "human rights" of young people are respected in terms of their education? In this podcast I talk to people about "Self-Directed Education" and the rights of young people. If you want to give me feedback, please subscribe to my Telegram channel: I look forward to hearing from you!