Welcome to Vance Jochim's FiscalRangers Rumble Channel


We have provided local Lake County, FL political and government news of interest to conservatives, taxpayers and political followers since 2006. We provide various videos and articles about the 14 cities in Lake County, FL, plus the School District Board, County Board and other government agencies. We focus on fiscal watchdog issues and improving transparency of local government. Our original 400+ videos are on YouTube FiscalRangersFlorida which we may move to Rumble.

Fitness Audio Video Info Channel


This Channel like to bring to You the best videos possible. Its content ill be of the following: It ill be of all that interesting you the viewer .e.g. Sport, Animals, New High Tech, Educational and Nature sounds, with the relieving sound of a course, forest area sounds or birdsong are loosening up to our cerebrums and help us with resting, study or for thought. We can loosen up with these tranquil traces of nature which have went with us since the dawn of time, we think about characteristics rhythms. They are fundamental for our own rhythms, we have a suspicion that all is well and good and okay with the traces of nature. We find nature sounds to be amazingly useful and stress moderating. Characteristics extricating up sounds can patch various issues and infections, particularly those constrained by the pressing factor of present day societies. We should basically check out these recovering traces of nature regularly. Woods sounds, birdsong and course sounds are ideal for improving and going with a loosening up, reflection or care program.

Hidayah Channel


Channel ini menyajikan kumpulan ceramah Syekh Imran Hosein yang sudah di alih bahasakan. Bertujuan untuk sedikit membantu penyampaian ceramah supaya bisa menggapai para penonton yang kurang bisa berbahasa Inggris. Channel ini jauh dari kata sempurna jadi mohon maaf bila ada kesalahan dalam alih bahasa. Pemilik akun ini bukan siapa-siapa dan sadar betul bahwa pengetahuan dan keilmuannya tentang Islam sangat-sangat terbatas, hanya saja Allah masih menutup aib pemilik akun ini.

The DUI Channel


The DUI Channel is the leading Rumble channel that exclusively features police interacting with drunk drivers across the country. While showing viewers exactly how police react in challenging and unique situations, the unfiltered encounters reveal the job aspects of their profession when handling these difficult situations. As law enforcement must deal with intense confrontations, The DUI Channel presents the uncut version of how these people react when law enforcement officers pull over someone under the influence. If you’re interested in the reality that police encounter on a daily basis with people who drink and drive, do not hesitate to check out our videos.

ShockedAqua's Gaming Channel


A channel for those of you who enjoy watching a music and gaming fan who is deep diving albums and playing games in RPG's, RTS's, or any other game that might look fun. I am just currently doing live streams and the VOD's of those streams will be up a few days after they were live. The current schedule for me streaming are in my discord channel. If you have any suggestions please leave a comment down in the comment section or head over to Discord https://discord.gg/jbafBbm to tell me what you think. If you feel like donating anything here is the link: https://locals.com/feed/49719/shockedaqua