Northeast Georgia Republican Candidate Forum (NRCF 2022)


Save the Date! Mark your Calendars! We invite you to the 2022 Northeast GA Republican Candidate Forum (2022NRCF) taking place April 2nd @ the Gainesville Civic Center. The goal is to EDUCATE, ENERGIZE and ENGAGE voters for the coming Primary Election. At this Republican event, Statewide Executive candidates (Governor, Lt. Governor, Secretary of State, Attorney General, Secretary of Labor, Secretary of Agriculture, Superintendent of Schools, US Senate, US House of Representatives (9th District), and State Legislature) will be given an opportunity to speak about their platform and answer specific questions presented by a moderator. This is "not a debate" but an opportunity for voters to meet and listen to the candidates discuss why they are the best person for the job. This event is presented to you by the Republican Women of Hall County (RWH) and the Republican Women of Forsyth County (RWFC) and a number of County Republican parties in Northeast Georgia; Hall County GOP, Jackson GOP, Cobb County GOP, Lumpkin GOP, Dawson GOP, Rabun GOP, Forsyth GOP, Stephens GOP and Franklin GOP. 📣Admission is Free📣

Choose Recovery


Choose Recovery Podcast: Choose Recovery is a Christ centred 12 step healing program Do you want to trust God with your whole life, yet live in fear? If you are honest, do you know you are not happy? Is serenity only an ideal; seldom experienced? Do you find your personal life is troubled? Are your relationships clouded by conflict and confusion? Do you find people in your life can't understand you? Do others not love you as you feel you should be loved? Do you have resentments, anger, fear or loneliness? Do you have persistent feelings of low self worth, shame, guilt? Do you have recurring pain about relationships and living in general? Have you tried to change your behaviours without success? Have you tried to change the behaviours of people around you? Have your even called God in on the struggle to change those close to you or yourself without apparent result? Do those whom you try to "help" not cooperate? Do you feel angry or hurt, asking, "Why do they resent me?" Do you think, "They should just do what I say?" Do you tell others, "I am only trying to help them?" Have you realized that you can't even fix your own pain? Do your prayers for God's help not relieve the pain? Have you not told anyone of your secret pain? Does life not respond to your manipulations? Are you realizing you don't have the needed power? Are you lacking spiritual resources to overcome the pain? Do you have a difficulty and want to change? In person every Monday night @ 7PM