Christian Living & Dream Interpretation

1 Follower

I am a follower of Jesus Christ. I make videos about Christian living and dream interpretation. I believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God, and that the Holy Spirit works through our intuition and conscience to lead us in this life. I believe that dreams are a window into the spiritual realm and a means of revelation and guidance from God. I am not a theologian or a psychologist, just a person sharing my thoughts. This channel is meant to encourage people to draw closer to God and grow spiritually so that they may fulfill their God-given destiny.

Gorgeous Puppies

1 Follower

Professional dog training videos created by world renowned trainer Emily Larlham. I'm not going to feed you want you want to hear to get more views. I am going to tell you the honest truth about dog training even though it means you might need to put in a little effort to train your dog. However, I break the training up into small achievable steps so training should be fun and easy for both you and your dog giving you the skills needed to train your dog like a professional trainer. Topics vary from: basic to advanced dog training, puppy training, obedience, dog tricks, behavior modification, stopping unwanted behavior, reactivity, fear, aggression, anxiety and over-arousal. When not making Youtube videos Emily spends her time teaching other dog trainers as well as speaking at dog training conferences and seminars all over the world on the concept of training dogs without the use of physical or psychological intimidation.