Archangel Metatron via Takeli


Our intent is to offer Guidance and support to have as many people as possible being strongly focused on the Spiritual process of the major dimensional Shift headed our way. This keeps one out of fear and moving strongly and surely on their perfect path, in these powerfully Transformative times. If you like what Archangel Metatron says, please Share, Like, and Subscribe, so you'll know when the next one comes out - Thank You so much! Blessings and Love, Takeli .

TheDiamondKingPodcast: Jewelry, Gems, Diamonds, and Precious Metal MFG


The Diamond King PodCast brings local business owners and clients of Deboscq Jewlery into the studio to chat with Aaron about a wide variety of topics. With 22 years of jewelry making experience Aaron Capdeboscq has created breathtaking creations for jewelry enthusiasts all over Louisiana and beyond. From beautiful colored gemstone creations to intricate diamond engagement rings, his creative works of art have adorned countless members of the Mandeville community over the years. Head on over to our website to see inventory and for any inquiries. #jewelry #manufacturing #podcast