Historinhas bíblicas, Bonecos que tornam muito mais divertido o aprendizado da Bíblia, atividade e louvor para ministério infantil


Seja bem vindo ao canal Sementinhas de Jesus, um canal criado com muito amor ao ministério infantil, para ensinar a palavra de Deus aos pequeninos! Estamos muito felizes em tê-lo aqui no nosso canal! Esperamos que goste do nosso conteúdo e compartilhe! "Ensina a criança no caminho em que deve andar; e até quando envelhecer não se desviará dele". Provérbios 22:6

Healing and Deliverance Ministry of Jesus Christ


The Healing Experience is a Christian Non-Profit Organization. We are a Christian based Supernatural Healing Center based in Nashville Tennessee. Our focus is on Healing the Body, Soul, and Spirit through the power of Jesus Christ. Please continue to check our site for updates on our events. To Give: Text the word "give" to 844-583-7012 and set up your payment options; or click the link: https://tithe.ly/give_new/www/#/tithely/give-one-time/613594 CashApp: $healingexperience Zelle: jaycaprietta@gmail.com www.healingexperience.net/donate

Tattoos & Jesus


Looking to get a tattoo and want a better understanding of the process? Come along for a completely different perspective on tattooing. Whether it's your first tattoo or planning a sleeve, it can be a huge commitment and emotionally draining, scary or even daunting. Join Ron LeMay, Professional Detail/Fine Line Tattoo Artist and Born Again Christian who has over 8 years custom tattoo experience explain the process of getting a custom tattoo, planning a sleeve or just getting started. This process will be exciting fun and easy!

God's Grace, Jesus' Love and You


The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. 2 Corinthians 13:14 We are a sanctuary of Christian music, motivation, inspiration, prayers, and devotions. Dedicated to our mission, we strive to provide enriching, faith-based content that ignites, enlightens, and elevates your soul every day. Join us on a meaningful journey as we delve into thought-provoking scriptures, heartfelt prayers, captivating inspirational and motivational videos, profound teachings and uplifting music. Our goal is to deepen your connection with God and unleash the transformative potential of His Word in your life. Follow now and immerse yourself in the divine embrace of God's grace and the unwavering love of Jesus Christ. If you are led to support our ministry, you may do so here: ► DONATIONS 👉 https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/GodGraceJesusLoveYou https://www.buymeacoffee.com/godsgracejesusloveandyou Thank you for your support. May the Lord bless you and keep you, may His love, grace and peace be with you always!