New Jersey Virtual Herd - SRoH


New Jersey Virtual Herd (NJVH) is a simple yet entertaining look into the real lives of a small yet mighty Herd of service animals in Central NJ. Some are rescues, but not all. Some are champions/award winners, but not all. All of them are with unique personality, spicy intelligence, impressive industriousness, creative and curious minds! We invite you to join us virtually for a candid, possibly entertaning look "behind barn doors"! Ya' never know. NJVH (subsidiary Spring Reins of Hope) was created in response to ALL of our work being shutdown by covid19NJ. Our real work is deep into empowering, rebuilding, and even saving human lives. These Horses have served thousands of humans in our arenas since 2009. They have won national awards, hall of fames, US flag flown for them BECAUSE of the life-changing miracles they provide. We hope to resume our more important/essential work soon. In the meantime we are learning to adapt and be of service on camera! Keep up with the Herd at:

The Virtual Sherpa


Virtual sherpa provides free hiking guides to hikes in Colorado & beyond. Whether you are hiking a "14er," visiting a National Park or trying to plan your next winter trip to the mountains, I have you covered. From virtual trail guides to gear reviews to hiking tips, my channel has it all! Visit my website here for more information about EVERY hike I post here PLUS exclusive content: Support the channel with donations to improve video quality, show more places and help cover costs of gear: Virtual sherpa Gear Shop! Disclaimer: All of my videos are based on my opinion & experience, they should not be used as the expectation for your hike. Fitness level, experience, health conditions and natural elements vary from person to person and day to day. I am not responsible for anything that happens during your trip. Virtual Sherpa LLC

Truth does not become more true by virtue of the fact that the entire world agrees with it, nor less so even if the whole world disagrees with it.


As the Left takes the reigns of power, this channel will focus on providing content that is both relevant to exposing the hypocrisy, corruption and abuse of the Left, plus keeping our subscriber informed on current conservative news. We will not use content that attempts to deceive, but rather publish content that is data driven and fact checked by our editors. We believe in using the scientific method for assembling data to solve social challenges of today. Hence the reason for our channel name: The Truth. "Truth does not become more true by virtue of the fact that the entire world agrees with it, nor less so even if the whole world disagrees with it." MAIMONIDES As Google and other media giants continue to censor conservative content even more, we will respond by fighting to get the facts to you nonetheless.