CanGoGoal Studio


大家好!我哋係正宗土生土長香港人,巧合於時代動盪之時回流返加拿大,亦巧合創立了這個channel,雖然本來只是用作分享加拿大的移民生活,但基於我哋相信每人做多一步,個世界就會唔同,我哋會藉著呢個channel去講真話,講香港人話! 我哋亦很高興話比大家知,我哋嘅patreon正式啟航喇! 响patreon專頁裏面,我哋會upload啲我哋响youtube限時播放嘅影片,亦會放啲比較敏感、容易被黃標嘅時事題材,包括但不限於:電影行內真言快語、真·香港歷史、我是香港人教室.....精彩內容不能盡錄! 喜歡我們談論呢啲題材,又或想在限時播放後仍能觀賞,就快啲加入我哋Gold/Diamond Patreon喇! 至於只係想輕輕鬆鬆請我同中佬教練飲咖啡奶茶食雪糕嘅話,就加入我哋嘅Silver Patreon啦!我哋會搵多啲好玩好食嘅地方,身先士卒,拍多啲試玩試食比大家睇😋!先多謝大家!

Bangladeshi, Indian & Pakistani food recipes.


Assalamu Alaikum Orohmatullahi Obarokatuh Hi i am here to help people who love Bangladeshi, Indian & Pakistani food recipes. I upload new recipes videos every Day. subscribe to my channel on Rumbel (Cooking Studio)for new cooking recipe videos. And Please Subscribe My Channel And Please Drop Your👍 Like 💬 Comments And 👉 Share 💞 Thanks For 👀 Visit My Channel And Don't 😕 Forget This Channel Thank You... ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️



Bible Study of things I don't see or hear much anyone discuss or teach that are very important. I will also be glad to answer any and all of your questions pertaining to the videos posted to his channel. I don't make any money doing this, nor will I ask for money. God's Word should be free like salvation and our lives! I also have a Facebook pages to leave people information about what happens to the world after the rapture and what's coming next for you and what you should do ASAP: