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Welcome to SS Draw Simple, your go-to destination for simple and enjoyable drawing tutorials! 🎨✏️
Confused about the Bible? Want to know the basics about the Gospel of Jesus Christ in plain and simple terms? This is a Bible Study to promote Bible literacy, so you can grow in the knowledge of our Lord and discern Bible truth versus errors, lies, and the traditions of men. This episode focuses on Salvation Basics. Please view this video and feel free to ask questions and / or post comments.
- Încercăm să te conectăm cu mama natură, ajută-ne să te ajutăm... - Suntem doi prieteni care încercăm să traversăm lumea cât de departe putem în încercarea de a descoperi locuri secrete sau ascunse pe care vrem să vi le arătăm și noi, tot ce trebuie să luăm cu noi sunt ochii, nasul, limba și urechile. pentru că ei ne vor oferi simțurile de care avem nevoie în lumea liberă și sălbatică în care vom călători, dacă vrei să vezi mai multe alături de noi avem nevoie de sprijinul tău, urmează-ne și toate cele bune. - We try to connect you with mother nature , help us to help you ... - We are two friends who are trying to cross the world as far as we can in an attempt to discover secret or hidden places that we want to show you too, all we have to take with us are our eyes, nose, tongue and ears because they they will give us the senses we need in the free and wild world where we will travel, if you want to see more with us we need your support, follow us and all the best.
Podcasting Made Simple is a podcast about podcasting and basic broadcasting. I answer your questions, and give out tips to make your podcast lives simple - without the headaches and fancy equipment. GET YOUR PODCAST OUT THERE, SOUND GREAT, AND DON\\\'T BREAK THE BANK!\r\n\r\nSubmit your questions here:
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