

A gaming channel that celebrates fun and gives thanks to God Almighty for our blessings! We embrace gaming as a cultural art form that is used to express human emotions and stories - similar to literature, music, and motion pictures. In this place we encourage enjoying gaming without the stigma for believers in Jesus Christ - and we welcome anyone to play and have fun with us! All are welcome. If you have questions about faith or want to know more about Jesus, just ask. We are always happy to have a gospel conversation! Since everything God created is good, we should not reject any of it but receive it with thanks. For we know it is made acceptable by the word of God and prayer. 1 Timothy 4:4-5

Praise & Worship


This will eventually be the channel where I will upload our Congregation's Praise and Worship Music and Dance. Yes, we do praise Adoneinu with song AND dance. I hope we dance like King David danced...with joy, adoration and a grateful heart. So much of our music is original...composed by our teacher Daniel Crouch. The choreography is mine...always my prayer that our movements are inspired and bring a sweet fragrance to our Father and King. As always, may you blessed by His goodness and His Word!

Leadership CiRCLE for the New Earth


The Leadership Circle Podcast is a platform where we delve into the essence of true leadership, sharing personal experiences and insights and highlighting my guests' true nature—their power of being. It offers a unique co-creative space where my guests and i engage in a free-flowing conversation, allowing for authentic heart-to-heart expansive sessions that enlighten everybody's hearts. i do not prepare for conversations in advance. Instead, i ensure a spontaneous and authentic conversation that allows the heart to express itself freely and prevents the mind from kicking in. True leadership comes from the heart; It is love, uniqueness, and co-creation. Join me in co-creation → or Support this podcast at With lots of love and gratitude, jeannette