Engineering Politics


I am a conservative content creator trying to conserve the values that made America the leading exporter of culture and influence we see today. I want to explain cosocial tnservative values to people all over the political spectrum to help them understand why these values are important to preserving freedom for all. Most of my content reviews and explains large ideas such as economics, culture, free speech, human behavior, and any other political or opics at-large today. I will also provide my analysis of current events as they unfold and leave their mark on our society. My "best-case scenario" for my commentary and analysis is to open a good-faith debate on the current political and social climate so we can better understand all sides without needing to demonize the opposition. You can find and support my content by subscribing to my channel and becoming a member of the Engineering Politics Locals Community on my Locals page at

No Politics. No Culture Wars. Just Movies!


Welcome to the Channel of a Man in His Mid-Forties Reviewing Some of the More Obscure Shows and a Jason Mask. I Review Movies and Television Shows and LEAVE OUT all the Culture Wars, Politics and Any Other Non-Sense that Constantly Fills Our Screens Every Minute. Remember the Good Old Days When You Can Talk about a Film Solely Based on it's Merits without Injecting All This Other Divisive Garbage? Well, You've Come to the Right Place! Leave a Like and Subscribe and Let's Keep This Community Going!

Newssmax, America's, the latest on politics


Newssmax, one of the most well-known and fastest-growing news channels in the United States, broadcasts breaking news from New York and Washington DC, covering everything from politics to health, finance, and beyond. Additionally, Newssmax also hosts lives on their channel, bringing live discussions on the most significant events of the moment with experts and special guests. Following Newssmax on social media is essential to stay up-to-date on the most important events of the day. Moreover, by following the channel, you will have access to a variety of exclusive content, including breaking news, in-depth analysis, and live coverage of major events. Don't waste any more time and follow Newssmax now to stay informed.

Howard Koolman getting Political


Howard lives in Cornwall, England. A strong believer in Community, Freedom, Sovereignty - and that the Heart of Humanity blossoms when Humanity is free, and not being controlled, restricted and drained by endless laws, rules and TAXes. I also believe that humanity is at turning point in history, the old corrupt guard are rushing thru their plan to limit everyone's freedoms, while a more powerful group of leaders have entrapped them so the global corrupt Deep State will be exposed and can then be removed. However I do think this operation will likely take until 2030 to execute, the trickle down effect will take many years after that.