Uk Paranormal Search


Welcome to the United Kingdom Paranormal Search (UKPS) Rumble channel! With a skeptical perspective, Philip delves into the mysteries of the paranormal world, aiming to present an honest portrayal of ordinary investigators in action. just an ordinary guy striving to uncover the truth behind supernatural phenomena. Balancing skepticism with an openness to possibilities, He doesn't promise you ghosts, but he does promise the truth. No over-the-top drama here – just raw, unfiltered investigations. Are the places Philip visits truly haunted, or is the hype surrounding them merely for the sake of followers and subscribers? He's upfront about not having all the answers, but he's dedicated to sharing the truth as he discovers it.Capturing his thoughts and feelings along the way. Hit that subscribe button and join the UKPS community. Who knows, maybe this channel will reshape your outlook on the supernatural. e-mail

Historinhas bíblicas, Bonecos que tornam muito mais divertido o aprendizado da Bíblia, atividade e louvor para ministério infantil


Seja bem vindo ao canal Sementinhas de Jesus, um canal criado com muito amor ao ministério infantil, para ensinar a palavra de Deus aos pequeninos! Estamos muito felizes em tê-lo aqui no nosso canal! Esperamos que goste do nosso conteúdo e compartilhe! "Ensina a criança no caminho em que deve andar; e até quando envelhecer não se desviará dele". Provérbios 22:6