

Welcome to the Rumble channel of The Voices of The One Mind where extraordinary beings share awe-inspiring insights that support humans on The Path of greater Realisation of Self. Join us as we delve into unlocking Cosmic Consciousness while being nourished by a nectared flow of wisdom. Subscribe to not miss new episodes! The One Mind promotes the teachings of the Direct Path. We are dedicated to the expansion into the field of Oneness, and unshackling minds of the chains of suffering.

Journey on the Outside


Sane thinking in an insane world. Focus on ballot access outside the traditional two parties to bring politics under cleansing free-market forces. From the producer of "ACCESS", a documentary about ballot access challenges for new parties and independents in a world where the establishment parties make the rules. Also the author of of "Localism, a philosophhy of government" and "Journey on the Outside, My Life as an Activist" for which this channel is named.