Prof Theago


🖖Matemática do Básico até Universitário 🖖 Aqui voce encontra: 👉 Pré-Cálculo , Expressão Numérica, Equações Irracionais, Potenciação, Produtos Notáveis, Equação Exponencial e Logarítmica, Fatoração de Expressões Algébricas, Logaritmos, Progressão Geométrica e Progressão Aritmética, Trigonometria. 👉 Análise Combinatória 👉 Números complexos e variáveis complexas. 👉 Geometria Plana 👉 Matemática Financeira 👉 Vetores e Geometria Analítica 👉 Cálculo Diferencial e Integral 👉 Algebra Linear, Matrizes e Determinantes. 👉 Equações Diferenciais Ordinárias e Transformada de Laplace 👉 Séries de Fourier, Integral de Fourier, Transformada de Fourier 😎 Conte comigo para aprender mais e mais matemática universitária!!! 🥇 Grupo De Estudos : 🏆 Siga nas minhas redes: 📧 Email de Contato :

Firearms Training & Security Consulting


At Valortec, our endgame is to empower you to protect yourself and your business. We do that by teaching you the tools you need for better personal and corporate protection, providing cost-effective tech to reduce enterprise-wide risks, as well as detecting and countering both personal and corporate-level threats on your behalf. We have experienced personnel ready to deploy in training, consulting, and protection missions throughout the United States, Latin America, the Caribbean, and other parts of the world.

Predator Inc


Predator Inc. is a family owned company that was founded in the mid 1990’s as an exclusive Hummer Performance Shop and Hummer Accessory Manufacturer. Our in-house teams of highly trained techs are fully dedicated to Research & Development, Duramax / Cummin conversions, Performance Tuning, and Custom Fabrication at our full-service facilities located in San Diego, CA & Hudson, FL to meet the needs of any customers H1, H2, H3, and HMMWV Hummers. Predator Inc. is recognized as the #1 progressive leader in performance, innovation, high-quality products, and services for the H1, H2, H3, and HMMWV hummers in the world!

Firearms Reviews


Reviews of firearms and other accessories by the expert staff at The Range St. Louis West. The Range St. Louis West is a state of the art indoor shooting range, retail store and training facility located in beautiful Ballwin, MO just outside of St. Louis. We offer 20 shooting lanes, all 25 yards long, in three bays able to handle up to .30 caliber. The Range is quickly becoming the go-to facility for all things related to personal protection and preparedness training. We believe training is an evolution, a progression, and a life-long pursuit. We offer a variety of handgun, carbine and shotgun classes for all skills levels. Whether you are brand new to shooting or have trained consistently, we can help you continue your progression and skill development. Our training staff consists of active and former law enforcement, military and professional shooters. Come visit us at 14803 Manchester Rd. in Ballwin or go to Member of the NSSF, USCCA and the Caliber Club of Gun Owners of America. M-F: 10am - 8pm Sat: 9am - 6pm Sun: 10am - 6pm