Natural products that are beneficial for human body

1 Follower

I am Khafizullo Khoshimjonov and I study at Singapore University and my field is Science and Research as you know studying at University calls a great responsibility to take and first step to adult life. I decided to dive into research that can be useful for humans. During my study years I got so many interesting things on research and experienced so many things, and finally realized that, I became a good researcher on human skin and hair products, After that, I made up my mind to find useful things for human body on Internet but first I tried to find out the problems with Men and Women related to their skin and hair, with the help of this technic I got so many issues regarding to Skin and hair of people so that started finding out solutions via surveys by famous doctors' interviews and did so many

International Minority Hub

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International Minority Hub (IMH) is a non-profit 501c3 organization, created to provide Minority groups, Refugees and Immigrants with a “one-stop” solution for resourceful information and access to valuable resources. At IMH, we believe that life is a journey with lessons to be learned. We understand that Minority groups, Refugees and Immigrants (RIM’s) want to learn to walk on the right path and share in the American Dream to achieve their life goals but often lack the right information at the time to do so. IMH actively steps in as a guide, helping them to navigate their journey by giving them powerful tools to ensure they are well equipped with information and networks that help them learn and grow so that they can take their next steps on their journey and successfully integrate into their communities. Our focus is to empower and elevate their status from dependents to independents who are able to contribute value back into their families and communities. This channel has been created in collaboration with Digitweaks / Unlabelled Media

Família Miller Plus

1 Follower

Deus é bom e a família Miller é uma bênção de Deus, pois ele tem um cuidado, carinho e zelo especial por nós. Toda honra e toda glória a família Miller atribui a Deus. A família Miller é composta por 6 membros + 1. Nossa equipe é formada por 4 filhos, os Pais e uma babá. Este canal foi criado a 16 anos atrás com o objetivo de preservar nossas memórias em forma de shorts vídeos. Nossa visão é que esses registros se tornem uma verdadeira linha do tempo. Imagine daqui a 400 anos, nossa árvore genealógica assistindo a história da família Miller. Eles poderão testemunhar como vivíamos e como amávamos na nossa época. Embora esse seja um canal familiar, queremos deixar claro que todos são bem-vindos a se juntarem a nós. Ao se inscrever, você se torna parte da nossa família virtual. Ao compartilhar nossos vídeos, esperamos também incentivar outros a registrar suas próprias histórias. Cada família tem sua própria jornada única e todos têm algo especial para compartilhar.