The Tech and Liberty Hub

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Welcome to The Tech and Liberty Hub, your go-to channel for exploring the intersection of technology, economics, and personal sovereignty. Here, we dive deep into the latest advancements in software development, decentralized systems, and blockchain technology, all while championing the principles of privacy and financial independence. Whether you're a tech enthusiast, a software developer, or someone passionate about reclaiming control over your digital identity and finances, you'll find insightful content, reviews of expert interviews, and practical guides to help you navigate and thrive in the digital age. Join us as we empower you to take charge of your future with knowledge and innovation.

Book 4 Hell Difficulty Saga Rick Liberty Video Audio Book The Liberty Zone Vigilante Superhero Holocaust

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THE ADVENTURES OF RICK LIBERTY & HELL DIFFICULTY SAGA Narrated Video Audio Book REMEMBER: THIS IS FICTION – IT IS NOT REAL! Licenses, Disclaimers, and Copyrights: Uses AI Assisted Creation and AI Generated Art and Music Licenses from Stability.AI Uses Music & Sound Effect Libraries from CyberLink Power Director 365 Uses Music Licensed from Studio Cutz Music Libraries ALL CONTENT SHOULD BE CONSIDERED FICTIONAL AND NON-POLITICAL ..Any similarities to real-world persons, organizations, entities, events, or beliefs are not intended as real-world representations or narratives. Fictional variations of some real-world elements are used to enhance the stories. SENSITIVE CONTENT WARNING ..Content and Narratives Contain Materials and Concepts That May Be Offensive to Some People, Including Christianity, The Bible, The Old Testament, and Traditional Conservative Values, The Knights Templar Illuminati – Both Original Good Knights Templar + Branched Masonic Evil Illuminati, Heaven. Hell, Limbo, Celestial Beings, Planes of Existence, Faith, and Spiritual Concepts, National + World Governments and Billionaire Elites Control and Corruption of Religion & Humanity, Violence, Gore, and Death Descriptions and Visual Representations, including Human Abuse and Tragedy, Artificial Intelligence (AI) Generated Art, Music, and Spoken Voice, and My Real-World Experiences in Life from Childhood to Adult, including Work in the Video Game Industry All Content Created and Owned by Richard Seaborne: ..The Adventures of Rick Liberty, The Liberty Zone, The Hell Difficulty Saga, The Tech Zone, Tales and Lessons & Insights from the Video Game Industry, AI Demystified, and related stories, characters, content, books, podcasts, speech & narration, Videos, Human and AI Created + Edited Art and Images, AI Art Render Prompts + Editing + Modification, and Derivative Works are Copyright © 2021-2024 Richard Seaborne. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED! NOTE: Some Episodes or Content Have Been Censored. Check YouTube and Rumble to find missing episodes at: YOUTUBE: ..YouTube Channel & Name: @HellDifficulty & @CrispyHeart ..YouTube Playlists: ….“Book1 Hell Difficulty Saga Rick Liberty Video Audio Book” to “Book7 Hell Difficulty Saga Rick Liberty Video Audio Book” ….”Adventures of Rick Liberty Season 1 – AI Art Video” to ….” Adventures of Rick Liberty Season 4 – AI Art Video” …. “The Liberty Zone – Short Stories” ….” AI Demystified -Artificial Intelligence-AGI-Generative AI-LLM, GAN-Adversarial…” ….”Hell Difficulty Saga - Lessons & Insight from the Video Game Industry…” ….”Hell Difficulty Saga - Tales from the Video Game Industry - Narrated Book Stories from the Video Game Industry” ….”Teasers, Trailers, and Shorts for Adventures of Rick Liberty” RUMBLE (Playlists Only Available in Web Browser – Rumble Apps Must Use Video Channels vs Playlists): ..Rumble Channel & Name: @HellDifficulty & @CrispyHeart .. Rumble Playlists: ….“Book1HellDifficultySagaRickLibertyVideoAudioBook” to “Book7HellDifficultySagaRickLibertyVideoAudioBook” ….”AdventuresofRickLibertySeason1” to ….” AdventuresofRickLibertySeason4” …. “TheLibertyZone” ….” AIDemystified ….”Hell Difficulty Saga - Lessons & Insight from the Video Game Industry…” ….”Hell Difficulty Saga - Tales from the Video Game Industry - Narrated Book Stories from the Video Game Industry” ….”RickLibertyShortsTeasersAndTrailers”

Liberty Republic

1 Follower

A political service that puts common sense thinking at its core, offering innovative policies and real solutions. Helping all people on this great island by working together on what we already agree on, which includes a better quality of life for all, while maintaining a balance and respect for each other’s values, inalienable rights and freedoms. We are here to raise community awareness and build consensus among people of the left, centre, and right on individual freedoms, civil liberties, anti-racism, anti-homophobia, and limited government, free from far-left and far-right divisiveness. We advocate for policies prioritising Irish people, sovereignty, personal autonomy, and free-market principles by upholding our constitutionally recognised natural rights, including freedom of speech and movement. All within the framework of a truly republican government, as enshrined in the groundbreaking proclamation read out at the beginning of the Easter Rising 1916.

Liberty To Serve


Welcome, all. My name is Steve. The name liberty to serve comes from the fact that every single one of us has been given the freedom to serve whatever/whoever we choose. We are either serving God or we’re serving the devil by either serving him directly or serving our own sinful desires. Some don’t like lumping the two together but it’s true. The devil was once an angel of light, in God’s kingdom, but choose to go his own way, to become his own God. That path separated him from God and many of us are following that same example. Answering the question of who we serve is not always an easy one because it makes us question who we are and what our motives are. My number one prayer for anyone joining this channel is to always encourage you to seek and to serve the savior because Jesus is the only way to salvation and true fulfillment. I pray God’s blessing on you and that you’ll always seek him first.

Liberty Awakening - 目覚め・沈黙からの脱却


真実に迫る事実の扉 - Door of facts approaching truth 庶民の目覚め(沈黙からの脱却) Citizen's Awakening (Breaking from Silence) 非暴力不服従 - Nonviolent disobedience 真実を覆い隠すために事実はメディアによって夢幻に作り出され、21世紀の現在は市民が真実に迫る事実を見極めていく時代のステージに突入しています。 社会性・公共性、客観的な視点からの情報・知識を発信するチャンネルです。 従来のスポンサーには、煙たがれる不都合な情報なので、気づいて目覚めた真の善良な市民のあなたがスポンサーです。 相互応援・相互支援をお願いします。 Facts have been dreamed up by the media to obscure the truth, and the 21st century is now entering the stage of an era in which citizens seek out the facts that approach the truth.hich citizens seek out the facts that approach the truth. This is a channel that provides information and knowledge from a social, public, and objective point of view. The information is inconvenient for the traditional sponsors, so you, the true good citizens who have noticed and woken up, are the sponsors. We ask for your mutual support and assistance.

Liberty Shoes Online


Liberty Shoes to all intents and purposes is an iconic brand in the domain of footwear essentials. With 14 peachy sub-brands covering the gamut of feet-styles, the brand has been serving the best category of formal, casual, sporty and fashion footwear to men, women and kids, since 1950. AHA, Coolers, Force10, Gliders, Healers, Leap 7X, Fortune, Senorita are the top-notch to serve the men’s and women’s footwear category; Adventures of Lucy & Luke, Prefect, Foot Fun are the ones dedicated in service to the little feet, belonging to the kids range. Freedom, Tiptopp and Windsor are the other sub-brands catering to the needs of heavy footwear for multiple utilitarian deeds. Sandals, slippers, flip-flops, shoes, moccasins, slip-ons, heels, etc. are all available in a wide range of colors and ultra-fine vogue. One can just shop till jaw-drop at excellent prices! For trendsetters and style mongers! For seasonal play with exclusive collections that you just don’t want to miss!

Life Liberty Productions


Life Liberty Productions is a publishing and consulting agency dedicated to the Spirit of Freedom. We have unique competence in key areas, ranging from mysticism to constitutional law, and we work to make the world a better place. Our vision is informed by the principled foundation of Western civilization. These principles, while commonly neglected, pave the way for utopian society building, and the only reason why modern cultures fall short of this ideal is the prevalence of arbitrary law. Such law has always been the enemy of humanity. Since the beginning of civilization, its progeny, arbitrary punishment and imprisonment, has been the cause of much suffering, but there is a remedy. It is found by embracing constitutional law, and for more on our work, our bookstore can be found at