Empowering Humanity TV With Aimmee Kodachian


The EmpoweringHumanityTV.com platform is a unique and one-of-a-kind movement developed by a woman who lived through 13 years of the Lebanese Civil War and overcame harsh and horrific challenges. She had no hope or opportunities, with only a fourth-grade education and severe dyslexia, yet she challenged herself and transformed her life from surviving to thriving. Her name is Aimmee Kodachian, the author of Tears of Hope, an incredible story that is currently in development to become a motion picture.She deeply believes that by working together and living our true purpose in life we can lift the consciousness of the world. EmpoweringHumanityTV.com is born out of decades of Aimmee’s own struggles. Those experiences led her to the vision of helping people around the world transform their lives by connecting like-minded people with some of the top experts in their fields. This movement provides everyone the opportunity to live their true purpose and make a positive impact in the world through the following educational, inspirational, and transformational programs and resources

The Human Spirit Experiment Verified


Welcome to the "Alpough Show-The Human Spirit Experiment. This channel is devoted to finding our way together. We address all the toughest subjects out there and find a way to get you information, completely unbiased. We address both sides of the topic, so we can make the best decisions in our lives. TAKE THE BEST AND LEAVE THE REST. We are all deeply connected whether we believe or not. From the depths of the oceans to the top of the sky. Technology is unlimited and is in constant motion, bombarding us 24 hours a day with information that is completely biased. "Alpough Show" breaks down this information so you can be AN ADULT OF YOUR MIND and AN ADULT OF YOUR THOUGHT. WE ARE WHAT WE THINK ABOUT. Take the time daily to watch the "Alpough Show" and SLOW DOWN TO SPEED UP. You'll be glad you did and you'll also be entertained at the same time. LIFE, LOVE and LAUGHTER is our goal. LIFE IS HARD, LOVE IS REAL and LAUGHTER BEGINS WISDOM IN OUR SPIRIT. So join me daily. TY!

Being Human Now


Welcome Tribe! On this channel we explore what it really means to be a human being. What are we really meant to be doing in this realm? We explore natural healing, hidden history, occult knowledge, the supernatural, and new ways of living. We are meant to be more than we've been told and we know it! "I am just a human being trying to make it in a world that is rapidly losing its understanding of being human." ~John Trudell "The human heart, as of course we all know, is essentially good. But between governments, false gods, striving for survival, the heart gets mixed up with the head and the feet and the elbows and the intestine. And the peace and the madness. And the heart gets strangled out a bit. It's a good organ and there is complete hope for humanity if it ever gets a little bit straight. It's all there, it's totally there, there is total hope of goodness forever. But we got lost somewhere. How we can ever straighten that out, I don't know." ~Charles Bukowski