Whiterock Homestead


We're Jason and Tara! A retired NURSE, and RETIRED MARINE. We are following our DREAM, sold everything and moved to Arkansas!! Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTAfzBzmqMindsdWDeipTlg/join Merch page:https://www.bonfire.com/store/whiterock-homestead/?utm_source=copy_link&utm_medium=store_page_share&utm_campaign=whiterock-homestead&utm_content=default Amazon Wishlist:https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa1kyc1F1ZkFtYS1Bc1M0VUQ0MzdnOHpZSUF0d3xBQ3Jtc0ttUnV2Rloyc2pfYjVWYTcybnJCM004eDRQT0F0NU1udXUyY1BzbFEzMS1wcFVyVWRZcjJveWxqdG04bXFxZW9UOU83cEdGSHlaZDR6eGxMT1dOVXJxUlIxcEUxTHplcVc4VEZzRWJCU2xRLTVqbTNabw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.com%2Fhz%2Fwishlist%2Fls%2F10ZO3D2R14GDJ%3Fref_%3Dwl_share&v=g1XC8Eh3Am4 Business Email: whiterockhomestead@gmail.com Subscribe! https://www.youtube.com/user/UCTAfzBzmqMindsdWDeipTlg?view_as=subscriber?sub_confirmation=1. Cash App: https://cash.app/$WhiteRockHomestead Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100089923745482 DIY homesteaders building our tiny houses and homestead from scratch. Gardening videos and raising chickens, rabbits, and goats as we go. Living debt free and building our sustaining lifestyle. Join us in our weekly videos and enjoy the journey as we are. Make sure to like, comment and subscribe if you are enjoying our videos, Leave us comments of anything you want to see.

The Teeny Tiny Homestead


Hi there! Welcome to my channel and homestead, where you can find any and all homesteading activities, big and small, on just a *quarter* acre! Since I started, I have needed to adjust my thinking, especially when it comes to what appear to be 'failures'. There really isn't such a thing when you head down this path, only learning and evolving. :) *For* newbies, presented *by* a newbie. Let’s learn and figure it out together, one homesteading skill at a time! *Support the homestead: You can either support me here by hitting the Subscribe and Like buttons or you can donate here: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/tinyhomestead Thank you for your patronage. :) Have a wonderful day! *Contact me: info@mikaskyephotography.com *Check out my other business here: https://www.mikaskyephotography.com

Homeschool Learning Videos for Kids


Are you ready to learn your ABCs, 123s and colors?! Letter Learning Videos is the place for you! Hi, I'm Vea Lewis. This is my channel about kid's literature, picture books and all things books! I also make videos for Little Learners to help with letter recognition, colors, animals, shapes, numbers and all things needed for Pre-k ( preschool) and Kindergarteners to become school ready or for Homeschool Curriculum. If you're looking for a great children's book and learning channel with a wonderful and engaging reader named Sally B. Letter, you are in the right place! If that sounds like it could be helpful for you, please join me! Do you love reading? Are picture books one of your favorite things? Us, too! This channel is home to Seven Monkeys Publishing. Our books and videos are aimed at helping kids use their imaginations, learn new things, and most of all have fun!