What God Wants You To Know


Welcome to this channel. What do we really know about our world? What do we really know about God, our Creator of all life? What do we really know about life from Jesus and who is he really and what did he actually come to do here on earth? Is Earth really the name of this planet? Who knows what is the name of the local universe that Earth is part of? Who knows what is the name of the constellation that Earth is part of? What do we really know about the Trinity? And is what we have been told through the Bible really something we have to commit to? God likes to tell you His-tory and He does so through the audio videos you will find here on this channel. May this be an inspiring journey in which your spirit and consciousness will continue to grow to new heights. God Bless be upon you!



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Sealing God's People


Have you ever wondered if there is more in the Word of God for you as a believer? “Sealing God's People” is for you who are reading the Word of God, seeking diligently for the truth on your own, not following the tradition of denominations or men’s doctrines. God is revealing His present truth to you who are seeking Him with a pure heart. Are you walking in the light as He is in the light? In this series of podcasts, you'll spiritually see yourself going from glory to glory, receiving the engrafted Word which is able to save you. Our Lord JESUS bless you as you Behold the Real JESUS!



A man that knows that this world is nothing as it appears or seems evil runs rampant and we are trying to figure out whether or not or if even we're in a real-life matrix, simulation we must remain vigilant and strong continue to fight for peace and prosperity for all!!! You think of yourselves as humans searching for a spiritual awakening, when in fact you are spiritual beings attempting to cope with a human awakening. Seeing yourselves from the perspective of the spirit within will help you to remember why you came here and what you came here to do!!!