God's Grace, Jesus' Love and You


The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. 2 Corinthians 13:14 We are a sanctuary of Christian music, motivation, inspiration, prayers, and devotions. Dedicated to our mission, we strive to provide enriching, faith-based content that ignites, enlightens, and elevates your soul every day. Join us on a meaningful journey as we delve into thought-provoking scriptures, heartfelt prayers, captivating inspirational and motivational videos, profound teachings and uplifting music. Our goal is to deepen your connection with God and unleash the transformative potential of His Word in your life. Follow now and immerse yourself in the divine embrace of God's grace and the unwavering love of Jesus Christ. If you are led to support our ministry, you may do so here: ► DONATIONS 👉 https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/GodGraceJesusLoveYou https://www.buymeacoffee.com/godsgracejesusloveandyou Thank you for your support. May the Lord bless you and keep you, may His love, grace and peace be with you always!

God's grace and power services


God’s grace and power services are services where Kolton Oxshire speaks the love, truth, grace, and power of the one true living God. And the spiritual blessings we have in Christ The one Who DID die on the cross for OUR sins. And raised from the dead for us so we can have everlasting life, freedom and strong safety in this world and in heaven. And be in heaven forever with God the father, Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit after leaving this world and the things of the flesh behind. And Kolton Oxshire also speaks about having and experiencing the blessings in this world God wants us to have and experiencing in this world. And believes in causing the plans of the enemy to be nullified and causing the plans of God to prosper.

Божье Сердце ТВ


Божье Сердце ТВ - это международное христианское служение, базирующееся в Северном Уэльсе, Великобритания. После семнадцатилетнего пребывания в качестве ученика в служении Пророка ТБ Джошуа в Синагоге, Церкви Всех Наций (SCOAN) Брат Крис под руководством Святого Духа в январе 2022 года запустил онлайн-канал. Изначально Божье Сердце ТВ будет сосредоточена на служении «Интерактивной Молитвой» людям во всем мире, а также на распространении Слова Божьего и участии в гуманитарных проектах.

Daily Dose of God


Welcome to your Daily Dose of God! If you're looking for ways to make your faith a real, tangible part of your everyday life, you've come to the right place. The Bible isn't just a collection of stories – it's a guidebook filled with wisdom, hope, and encouragement. Think of this as your daily shot of spiritual caffeine. Every day, we'll break down the Bible's teachings and find actionable ways to put them into practice. Whether it's building stronger relationships, navigating life's challenges, or simply finding a moment of peace amidst the chaos – we're here to help you live out your faith with purpose. Let's get started!

I am a disciple and witness for my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and belong to my Lord Jesus Christ's kingdom and my body is a temple for God our Father in heavens.


My testimony for my Lord Jesus Christ, as my Savior and Redeemer, gave up His life to save mine, when He was crucified and killed by the hands of the criminal Romans and Jews; while all your world leaders surround themselves with armed guards and followers who claim would die for their leaders; then will you realize the evil scam you are all have been victims of, especially knowing the fact the your leaders put their lives first and have no problem sacrificing your lives before theirs or sending your family to fight and die in idle wars. Ignoring my testimony as a witness for my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ against all criminal, corrupt, evil, satanic worshipping world leaders and celebrities, while blindly following their satanic lies and deceptions, will only lead you to more pain and suffering. I am just your brother warning you, I am not the one who lives behind high fences, have shady business ties with corrupt governments, surround my self with armed guards and forces, own massive lands under armed protection, affords to buy dark market slaves or organ transplants trading, enslave women and force them into prostitution, kidnap and rape children and commit pedophile crimes on private islands, hide secrets from the public under the guise and pretense of public security and top secret claims, perform secret experiments against the brainwashed public masses especially children abuse, force sexual adultery LGBTQ gay and pedophile criminal sex education activities and practices upon children, kidnap rape kill and bury people and children victims masses in private lands, or trains armed forces or provide them with money and means to commit evil satanic crimes against the public. IN FACT I AM FACING ALL THE ABOVE AND THEIR BLIND FOLLOWERS TO WARN THE PUBLIC MASSES. WAKE UP FOR YOUR OWN SAKE AND THE SAKE OF YOUR FAMILY AND LOVED ONES. Any kind of censorship is criminal bullying and abuse and intellectual terrorism and defies The Word of God our Father in heavens to ALWAYS BE ABLE TO ANSWER AND DESTROY LIES BY TESTIFYING FOR THE TRUTH. If ANYONE OR ANY GOVERNMENT has a problem with any belief or opinion, you expose its fraud and scam, and lies and deceptions in a court of low, and destroy it from its roots; and not just make a fake unconstitutional and inhumane law to force your tyranny upon the blind and brainwashed public masses. FACE ME IN COURT BEFORE THE PUBLIC IF YOU DARE YOU SATANIC WORSHIPING CANADIAN GOVERNMENT, AS AN EXAMPLE OF ALL CORRUPT CRIMINAL SATANIC WORSHIPING WORLD GOVERNMENTS AND THEIR FRAUD UNITED NATIONS. The world is a courtroom. Not a jungle, circus, or theater. WHERE IS YOUR TESTIMONY? You must pause, think, and stop wasting your life and spending your time fooling around. WAKE UP FOR THE SAKE OF YOUR OWN SELF AND ALL THOSE YOU CLAIM YOU LOVE. ALL YOUR VOTES FOR ALL YOUR CRIMINAL SATANIC WORSHIPPING WORLD GOVERNMENTS AND THEIR FRAUD UNITED NATIONS DO NOT COUNT BUT YOUR DENIAL OR TESTIMONY AS A WITNESS FOR THE TRUTH ACCORDING TO THE WORD OF GOD OUR FATHER IN HEAVENS COUNTS. The Old Testament is the disclosure of all sins and crimes of mankind against God our Father in heavens, and prophecy of the future crime of crucifying and killing Lord Jesus Christ by prophet witnesses, and the New Testament is the testimony of the witnesses against the crime of crucifying and killing Lord Jesus Christ, and prophecies of promises for believers and warnings and the related punishments to follow for non-believers. The fact that liars are punished by death forever and thrown in the fiery pit in the court of God, means and dictates that your own testimony in this spiritual and intellectual war is for your own eternal life or death, exactly similar to all honor based death challenges for matches, fights, and duels of all kinds, where contestants sign to accept a death challenge. If someone challenges top 10 MMA fighters or action champions or heroes, or any of those so-called fake stars and false gods to a single cage fight where he claims he can beat all of them as one gang, he is either crazy, or unaware and arrogant, or really capable of making such a claim to say the least and raising such a challenge and fulfilling it. Based on the above, my testimony is an eternal life or death challenge before the whole blind and brainwashed public of the whole world, against all false witnesses, before God our Father in heavens in His court where He exists and sits to judge everyone. Any group tries to single themselves out and make any false claims against me such as anti-Semitic, homophobic, or hate speaker for example is nothing more than a criminal lying satanic worshiping group that tries to force me not to testify against their evil. When I testify for the crime of crucifying my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, my testimony is not only against the Jews and the Romans and their corrupt unjust laws but also against everyone who defies The Word of God as Lord Jesus Christ is The Word