

Welcome to the WanderOutdoors channel! Here, I document all my many fishing and hunting adventures. On my home lake of Blue Marsh I target largemouth bass, smallmouth bass and the occasional striped bass using a variety of techniques from deep-diving crankbaits to dropshots. When I am not on the water, you can find me in the woods of Pennsylvania chasing small game and whitetail deer! Most of my hunting takes place in the woods surrounding Blue Marsh Lake. If you enjoy catching slimy bass and chasing small game, make sure to subscribe to the channel. I hope you enjoy the videos and learn a few new techniques along the way! 🔽 Find more of WanderOutdoors here 🔽 LinkTree: https://linktr.ee/WanderOutdoors Follow me on Instagram: @wanderoutdoors22 Twitter: @_WanderOutdoors Rumble: WanderOutdoors

Greater Outdoors Oregon


Hiking, Scrambling, Climbing, and Camping in Oregon, USA! Always armed with a camera and always looking for that next extra special photo or video. I'm out and about for the views, photography opportunities and exercise! As always feel free to leave me a comment in the comments section, and if you found my videos to be enjoyable and useful then please Like, Share and Subscribe. If you have any materials you wish to send me you can contact me here or you can send correspondences to: Sean Tobin PO Box 2231 Beaverton, OR 97075. Thanks and get out there and roll the bones!

Harald in West Virginia - Outdoor and More


Mahlzeit und Willkommen zu meiner kleinen Ecke im Internet. I am a German living in the Great State of West Virginia. I love the outdoors and everything around it. But I see myself as more of a "wanna-be-Woodsman/Hunter", rather than a specialist. Lecturer #DigitalForensics #Cybersecurity #InformationTechnology Historian #RomanEmpire #RomanAuxilliary #Raetia Languages #German #English Outdoors #TruckCamping #Hiking #Backpacking #Bushcraft #Hunting #EDC #BePrepared #outdoor