#PAULBRUNTON #RAMANA #MINDFULLNESS #ADVAITA #VEDANTA SEJA MEMBRO DO CANAL https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDoY6Lbgv4Sv7JdNIGHbwtg/join O canal Mindfulness é um espaço virtual dedicado ao ensino e à prática da atenção plena. Aqui, você encontrará conteúdos sobre meditação, respiração consciente, yoga, psicologia positiva, autodesenvolvimento e outras técnicas que visam promover o bem-estar físico, mental e emocional. Neste canal, os especialistas em mindfulness compartilham dicas, exercícios práticos e reflexões para ajudá-lo a cultivar a presença consciente em seu dia a dia. Você aprenderá a estar mais presente no momento presente, a gerenciar o estresse e a ansiedade, a desenvolver a autocompaixão e a empatia, a melhorar a qualidade do sono, a aumentar a criatividade e a produtividade, e muito mais. Independentemente de você ser um iniciante ou um praticante experiente, este canal oferece uma variedade de recursos úteis para ajudá-lo a aprimorar sua prática de mindfulness. Assine o canal, ative as notificações e junte-se a esta comunidade inspiradora de pessoas que estão transformando suas vidas através da atenção plena. Seja um apoiador do canal Pix fone 19 99999 7231 DÚVIDAS NOS ENVIE UMA MENSAGEM NOS COMENTÁRIOS OU WHATSAPP. Paul Brunton foi o pseudônimo adotado por Raphael Hurst, um escritor britânico nascido em 1898 e falecido em 1981. Ele é conhecido principalmente por seus trabalhos no campo da espiritualidade e filosofia. Brunton passou a maior parte de sua vida viajando pelo mundo, explorando diversas tradições espirituais e buscando a verdade por trás das religiões e filosofias. Ele estudou com mestres espirituais na Índia, incluindo Ramana Maharshi, e teve contato com diferentes escolas de pensamento, como o hinduísmo, o sufismo e o budismo. Seus escritos mais conhecidos são encontrados na série de livros "A Search in Secret India" (Uma Busca na Índia Secreta) e "The Notebooks of Paul Brunton" (Os Cadernos de Paul Brunton). Essas obras documentam suas experiências, descobertas e reflexões durante suas viagens e buscas espirituais. Paul Brunton foi influente para muitas pessoas interessadas em espiritualidade e filosofia oriental. Seus escritos oferecem insights sobre a natureza da consciência, a busca pela iluminação e a busca de uma conexão mais profunda com o divino. Embora ele mesmo não tenha fundado uma escola espiritual específica, suas obras continuam a ser lidas e apreciadas por aqueles que buscam sabedoria espiritual.

Beautifull Girls


Beautiful Girls A group of stunning young women exude elegance with their graceful demeanor and captivating smiles. Their vibrant personalities illuminate any room, creating an atmosphere of joy and charm. Each of them possesses a unique beauty that goes beyond the surface, reflecting confidence and a magnetic aura. Together, they form a symphony of grace and poise, leaving a lasting impression on everyone fortunate enough to encounter their radiant presence. #beautifullgirls #beautifulgirls #beautifulgirlsseankingstonlyrics #beautifulgirlsseankingston #beautifulgirlsallovertheworldlyrics #beautifulgirlsbrunomars #beautifulgirlsallovertheworld #beautifulgirlskaraoke #beautifulgirlsvanhalen #beautifulgirlsmovie #beautifulgirlsremix #beautifulgirlslyrics #beautifulgirlsacapella #beautifulgirlsseankingstonkaraoke #beautifulgirlsspedup #beautifulgirlscover #beautifullgirlsand #beautifulgirlsandstandbyme #beautifulgirlsandboys #beautifulgirlsandboysdrawing #beautifulgirlsseankingstonlyrics, #beautifulgirlsallovertheworld, #beautifulgirlsvanhalen, #beautifulgirlsseankingston, #beautifulgirls, #beautifulgirlsacapella, #beautifulgirlsmovie, #beautifulgirlsallovertheworldlyrics, #beautifulgirlskaraoke, #beautifulgirlsbrunomars, #beautifulgirlsspedup, #beautifulgirlslyrics, #beautifulgirlsremix, #beautifulgirlsseankingstonkaraoke,

Full Quran 30 Para


Welcome to ReciteQuran – a sanctuary of Quranic recitation and spiritual serenity. When you start reciting the Qur'an, even if you make it a habit to recite a few verses or a paragraph or less daily, then you increase the amount. You even increase it. Then there comes a time when the Qur'an befriends you. The result is that the heart itself tends to read the Qur'an and the work becomes easier so that there is time for recitation.when the Qur'an befriends you, you start reciting. The strings of your heart are connected with the Qur'anic letters and the fluctuation of words is as if your soul is enjoying.When the Qur'an befriends someone, it is a lifelong friend. It is also the companion of the grave. And will be with you in the resurrection. Even the Qur'an is so faithful that it will leave its friend in heaven. May Allaah help us all to recite the Qur'aan daily and to follow the Qur'aanic verses and commands with the recitation. May the greatness and love of the Qur'aan be ingrained in our hearts. Amen. Imm

Peaceful Vibes


Listening to relaxing music every day has been proven to be good for your health, nervous system, improves mental performance and reduces mental stress. 🌿Enjoy a beautiful melody to ease your thoughts after a busy day at work or end a long day with a good night's sleep. and fuel for a new day full of positive energy 💪 . 🔥 Our channel will upload and stream new videos and music every day with the best quality videos of natural landscapes, as well as nature sounds such as birdsong and running water. 🤏 On our channel you will find music for sound sleep, relaxation, meditation, treatment of insomnia, bring a feeling of love and peace, music for study, work,... 💖 Do not forget to leave a subscription and share it with your friends if you find it useful, as well as motivating and helping us to improve the quality of our products better. Thanks !

Inspiration, motivation, and spiritual growth


Inspiration, motivation, and spiritual growth. Our mission is to bring God's word into people's hearts and homes, embracing its timeless wisdom and transformative power. Here, we dive into the scriptures, explore their profound teachings, and discover how they can guide us in our daily lives. Our content is designed to inspire you to become the best version of yourself, embodying the values of love, compassion, and resilience that the Bible teaches. We're here to motivate you, inspire you, and help you navigate life's challenges with grace and faith. Join us on this journey of faith and personal growth. Subscribe to our channel and become part of our community!

Full-Time RV Life


Welcome to our YouTube channel! We're Steve and Hayley, and we're on a mission to live life to the fullest without letting the "What Ifs" hold us back. Join us as we embark on our RV journey, traveling across breathtaking landscapes and discovering the wonders of God's beautiful creations. From majestic mountains to serene lakes and hidden gems, we'll take you along for the ride as we explore the great outdoors. 🏞️ We want to inspire you to embrace your own sense of adventure and step outside your comfort zone. Life is too short to wonder "What if?" Let's conquer our fears together and create memories that will last a lifetime. 🌈 Make sure to hit the subscribe button and turn on the notification bell to join us on this incredible journey. We want you to be a part of our community of fellow adventurers, where we support and encourage each other to live our best lives. 🌟