WG Bee Farm

1 Follower

Hello we are the Wyatt's. In 1980 my grandfather (Frank Wyatt Sr), father (Frank Wyatt Jr), and two uncles bought some bees and equipment. At that time they thought they wanted to be beekeepers. Over the years, the uncles backed out and my grandfather just could not continue. My father kept on and, like all of us, made mistakes along the way. In August 2013 he became an EAS (Eastern Apicultural Society) Master Beekeeper. My name is Frank Wyatt III but everyone calls me Tra (Tray). I have been lucky to have him to show me and tell me how to keep the bees. I am a US Army Veteran and a local public servant for my small town. We have been in business for a while but thought we should reach out to others and are willing to help if we can. We are not just going to the show beekeeping but a few other things about our life. Please come and enjoy.

Wissen Querbeet

1 Follower

Meine Oma pflegte immer zu sagen: Man wird alt wie eine Kuh und lernt jeden Tag dazu. Und Recht hatte sie, das merke ich immer mehr, je älter ich werde. Außerdem mag ich einfach Wissen, egal wie nutzlos vieles davon im Alltag auch ist und unabhängig davon, ob das alles überhaupt so geschehen ist, wie es uns erzählt wird. Ich war nicht dabei, aber ich halte sehr vieles für möglich, da ich Menschen so ziemlich ALLES zutraue, im Guten wie im Schlechten. Dennoch, es gibt auf dieser wunderschönen Welt endlos viele spannende Dinge und interessante Persönlichkeiten zu entdecken und das macht einfach Spaß – selbst wenn sich jemand alles nur ausgedacht hat. :)

Beer League Hockey Guy

1 Follower

Hockey is the coolest sport on earth!🌎 I've played mostly rec and some competitive hockey since mini-mites and continue playing adult beer league hockey today as a B+/A- defenseman😁🏒🍺 I'm not a hockey expert, but have unique experiences to share and want to learn from other hockey junkies too. I don't buy top-end equipment, so will have some stuff on finding great gear on a budget! 💲💲💲 This YouTube channel will share the goodness of hockey in a fun and creative way from the perspective of a Beer League Hockey Player! Have fun! Beer League Hockey Guy