The Field Archer
162 FollowersSelf video bow hunting and equipment reviews.
Self video bow hunting and equipment reviews.
Revolutionizing our approach to Food and Farming A new voice for Canadians. Balanced journalism, in-depth reports, and expert opinions on today’s key issues.
The Truth Fest Team has begun to capture presentations from our monthly events for those who were unable to attend. Subscribe here for Rumble Notifications when new presentations are available. Visit to get on our mailing list for future events.
Real Live Stream Market Analysis & Live Trading to provide Financial Literacy & Financial Freedom to the masses as this is the only way to be truly free. The first step in breaking free from the Matrix is to stop doing the same routine over and over and expecting different results. I believe that is the definition of insanity. It isn't easy but nothing worth doing ever is. Yes the narrative that the mainstream media and people that buy into what the mainstream media pushes is that 9 out of 10 traders fail but I believe those numbers are skewed. It is true that a lot of new traders fail but I believe the ones that fail either blow up their account before they actually give themselves a chance to learn and or quit before they give themselves a chance. I am here to show you the right steps and or rules you should implement to make sure that you give yourself a chance to succeed and not either quit or blow up before you actually learn to become profitable. Stay tuned to my Live Streams to not only learn about these steps but to also see how to implement them in way that manages your risk while giving you a chance to actually learn how to become profitable. Again not financial advice but I do believe that everyone should have the opportunity to be free like Neo and wake up from this Matrix which is going to clock in and bust your ass just to make someone else rich while also spending less time with your family and friends and the people that matter the most. There's also something to be said about being your own boss and the master of your destiny. This mindset is for those that are willing to bet on themselves and not be at the mercy or depend on someone or something else for their well-being. Not to mention the sweeping layoffs and uncertainty moving forward as we enter some of the most unique and volatile times we've ever seen in this economy and quite frankly on a larger scale the world. This is not meant to be FUD or some "Doom & Gloom" type rhetoric but at the same time we have to keep it real and when [shite] hits the fan, ultimately you have to depend on you and yourself only. And ABSOLUTELY no one is going to look out for you like you so therefore it's more advantageous for you to be able to provide for yourself and your family without having to depend on someone or some company to employ you and put food on your table aka being self-made and a boss. These are the things that are most important to me and should be to you as well. But again you have to be willing bet on yourself and quite frankly, if you aren't willing to bet on yourself, you can't possibly expect anyone else to. Just keeping it real so again see you on the next one. Don't forget to like, subscribe, hit the bell and get the hell over to Patreon & Discord and sign up for the Daily Morning Briefings & Watchlist, which gives you that edge, Bredgeron. Peace
Historical archive of streams for the Mad at the Internet Channel
EustaceMullins : TheGospelinAccordanceToEustaceMullins - Greatest Researcher in the World - First Researcher to Write on AlienControlled Central Banks
Freedom NZ & Resistance Media
Chaîne de résistance à la franc-maçonnerie
Archived videos of State of Corruption
Like & follow for Daily Andrew Tate content! This is a FAN Channel for Andrew Tate and Tristan Tate Find Classic Andrew Tate and Tristan Tate podcats, meetings, and reaction videos on this channel. Follow to get notified when there are new uploads!
Welcome to Christians for JD Vance 2028, a community dedicated to supporting JD Vance as a leader who shares our values and vision for a united, faithful America. We believe in a future rooted in faith, family, and freedom, where our values guide policy, strengthen communities, and inspire the nation. JD Vance has proven his commitment to these principles through his dedication to economic opportunity, national unity, and traditional values. Our group aims to rally Christians across the nation who are passionate about a hopeful vision for America — one where every individual can thrive, secure in the foundations of faith and justice. Together, we can make this vision a reality by supporting JD Vance for President in 2028. Join us as we pray, advocate, and work towards a better future for all Americans. “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord.” — Psalm 33:12
Seventy-four year old man takes up archery to avoid rotator cuff surgery.
This channel is an archived channel of my current show which can be found at Please visit me there and remember to click that "FOLLOW" button!
Human Performance Outliers Podcast is a topic based show that focuses on a variety of topics around health and performance. The show often touches on alternatives options to the norm.
I am Survivor deep state Monarch enslavement / MK -Ultra/ military. *my created front life name was Monique: after my healing went back to my true original name Elizabeth / Liz. Dedicated to transforming shadows into the light, truth, love, world peace, uncovering the shadow world. I make mandalas to heal and transform. For a righteous, harmonious, free humanity's future & for the earth. all my social media:
Make your voice be heard, make your stance be known!
My name is KALABOUKIS and I\'m a philosopher, engineer, libertarian and futurist. The search for truth drove me into philosophy and the future, and the search for money turned me into an engineer. Now I talk about the state of the human condition, what is truth, and my personal ramblings on everything from free speech to human flourishing, to why 20 years on, we\'ve yet to build a tool that anyone can use to build a website the way they like without bringing in the experts. Welcome to my podcast, subscribe, and enjoy the ride.
Life advice on health, wealth, and happiness
Unofficial fan club of the pro-human ARC forum & movement. Founded by Jordan B. Peterson with Philippa Stroud, ARC is an antidote to the psychopathic, anti-humanist, malthusian WEF. On this channel, we share content from the inaugural 2023 conference in London, and other related content from guests and contributors. ARC is an international community with a vision for a better world where every citizen can prosper, contribute and flourish.
MARCUS's archives - French & English channel. A - Mofidier l'histoire par l'effacement des preuves a toujours été leur stratégie. A l'ère digitale le phénomène est plus grave encore. Il devient vital d'archiver et de partager tant que possible. Changing history by erasing evidence has always been their strategy. In the digital age, the phenomenon is even more serious. It becomes vital to archive and share as much as possible. ------------------------------------------- B - Cette chaîne a également l'ambition, tout au moins l'espoir de servir de "pont" entre le monde francophone et anglophone, qui ne se connaissent pas (ou si mal), ne se comprennent pas et communiquent si peu. Dans les temps critiques actuels, il est essentiel que les hommes de bonne volonté de chaque côté des deux univers cloisonnés, se parlent. L'issue du combat entre les forces du mal et du bien, en dépend... This channel also has the ambition, at least the hope of serving as a "bridge" between the French-speaking and English-speaking worlds, who do not know each other (or so badly), do not understand each other and communicate so little. In the current critical times, it is essential that men of good will on either side of the two compartmentalized universes speak to each other. The outcome of the fight between the forces of evil and good depends on it... ------------------------------------------- Dans cet effort gigantesque mais nécessaire, j'apporte ici ma modeste contribution, ce qui m'est possible de faire à mon petit niveau. Si chacun à son propre niveau contribuait un minimum à la bataille, l'énergie accumulée sur la planète entière, comme une lumière éblouissante, serait la plus puissante jamais recuillie dans toute l'histoire ! La plus puissante... après celle de notre seigneur Jésus Christ et de Dieu son père. Nous avons ce pouvoir en nous. Nous l'ignorons simplement. Il est temps ! Relâchons tous ensemble, main dans la main, ce pouvoir sur le monde et réduisons ces démons en poussière... In this gigantic but necessary effort, I bring here my modest contribution, which is possible for me to do at my small level. If everyone at their own level contributed a minimum to the battle, the energy accumulated on the entire planet, like a dazzling light, would be the most powerful ever gathered in all history! The most powerful... after that of our lord Jesus christ and God his father. We have this power within us. We just ignore it. It's time ! Let's all together, hand and hand, release this power on the world and reduce these demons to dust... juin (june) 2023, Marcus F.
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