123 Go Challenge


We have new friends Yay Time! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtNPjjNgJWDTzyEd_6jp26w take a look at them, they have fun. ARE YOU A REAL FOODIE? You can eat before, after and while you sleep?! Then our channel is so made for you! Life hacks, challenges, pranks, myth busting, comedy and a lot of FOOD! We make videos about all the stuff that’s trending right here and right now! And we’re not going to stop until we conquer the whole world! Come on our side ;) For brand partnership enquires: brands@thesoul-publishing.com

Bastian Noffer


In the course of 2020, I realized that the world (not only because of the pandemic) will change radically in the next few years, and not only in the technology sector. Now that the year 2021 is slowly getting going, I want to use my experience and insights in business, education and of course technology to give something back to the great technology online community. Perhaps my unique perspective will help some of you chart the right course in today’s rapidly changing world.

Baldi's Basics in Scolping and Getting Crafter'd


Champion Gamer's dad takes on Baldi's Basics in Education and Learning, utilizing his old skool video game skillz plus his never-seen-before patented method for escaping Baldi's skool that has come to be known as the "Scolp and Crafter'd" method for crushing Baldi's hopes for a ruler-ey butt whooping! The method involves intentionally walking into Sock Puppet's glare and then using a BSODA to stall him while getting the 3rd exit and then getting warped to escape out the front of the school. It's not easy but it's the best way to get style points FTW!