Whiterock Homestead


We're Jason and Tara! A retired NURSE, and RETIRED MARINE. We are following our DREAM, sold everything and moved to Arkansas!! Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTAfzBzmqMindsdWDeipTlg/join Merch page:https://www.bonfire.com/store/whiterock-homestead/?utm_source=copy_link&utm_medium=store_page_share&utm_campaign=whiterock-homestead&utm_content=default Amazon Wishlist:https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa1kyc1F1ZkFtYS1Bc1M0VUQ0MzdnOHpZSUF0d3xBQ3Jtc0ttUnV2Rloyc2pfYjVWYTcybnJCM004eDRQT0F0NU1udXUyY1BzbFEzMS1wcFVyVWRZcjJveWxqdG04bXFxZW9UOU83cEdGSHlaZDR6eGxMT1dOVXJxUlIxcEUxTHplcVc4VEZzRWJCU2xRLTVqbTNabw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.com%2Fhz%2Fwishlist%2Fls%2F10ZO3D2R14GDJ%3Fref_%3Dwl_share&v=g1XC8Eh3Am4 Business Email: whiterockhomestead@gmail.com Subscribe! https://www.youtube.com/user/UCTAfzBzmqMindsdWDeipTlg?view_as=subscriber?sub_confirmation=1. Cash App: https://cash.app/$WhiteRockHomestead Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100089923745482 DIY homesteaders building our tiny houses and homestead from scratch. Gardening videos and raising chickens, rabbits, and goats as we go. Living debt free and building our sustaining lifestyle. Join us in our weekly videos and enjoy the journey as we are. Make sure to like, comment and subscribe if you are enjoying our videos, Leave us comments of anything you want to see.

PunkRock Parents React


The Low Budget Family Hour features a variety of the most excellent content on the lowest budget. For reviews of Music Videos, Books, Concerts, Places, and Events check out Geeking Things and PunkRock Parents React. We'll react to almost anything. What we find entertaining, we share with you.! Check out the Boring Cooking Show if you want to try an easy, cheap, and delicious recipe. No fluff, just food!!! There you can find tried and enjoyed recipes to feed a large or small horde! We've cut out the fluff and pomp by not making the show about the host but instead just bringing you good recipes our family has tried and loved. And we have some picky ones.

Dave Young | Classic Country, Oldies Rock And More


Hi folks. I'm a veteran musician of 48 years now just having fun making videos of some of my favorite music. You'll find a little of everything. Big Band, Pop, Blues and lots more. I started this channel as an outlet for me to have a place to play the music I love to play and to share my videos with folks who might feel the same as me. I don't try to sound like the originals. I just do them my own way. I like to create CG images and video and that's where most of my backgrounds come from. Not AI. Also, I do have a QR code for my virtual tip jar on the community tab just like at a normal gig. Thank you all for watching and listening.