NC Breaking News


NC Breaking News is an esteemed news agency with a team of dedicated journalists committed to fearlessly bringing hard-hitting stories to the forefront of North Carolina. Unwavering in their pursuit of truth, they tackle controversial subjects like politics and culture war issues, ensuring objective reporting and holding those in power accountable. With empathy and integrity, they shed light on marginalized voices and societal injustices, fostering meaningful dialogue and positive change. Thorough research and substantiated facts underpin their reporting, earning them the trust of loyal readers who rely on their insightful journalism to create a more informed and enlightened world.

Talking Trash and Truths


Hey there! Welcome, welcome, welcome! I'm Shelly and I want to build a community where grown peeps can go to chat about opinions, current hot topics, name it! I'm running this channel from Hoboken, NJ and I have never done this before. I'm excited to try it out though! Lord knows I can talk forever. I have only a few rules. 1. Be kind. 2. Show respect for everyone, including yourself. 3. Discuss, disagree, disassemble your computer chair...Idc, but do NOT bully, disrespect, spam, or belittle anyone. 4. Tell the truth. I am very accepting and you won't get shamed or judged by me. 5. Have fun. I want everyone to come here for a good laugh, some introspection, and to share their experiences and knowledge for the benefit of others. Let's make this a supportive, fun haven for anyone and everyone. FAIR WARNING!!!!!!!!! I am a free speaker and I WILL curse a lot. I will make inappropriate but hilarious comments. I will discuss sensitive and uncomfortable topics, as well as controversial ones. I will share my honest opinions and beliefs and you can try to change my mind with facts, not fuckery (Thanks Emily D Baker!). I will bring you the unvarnished, true version of me. So let's get to chatting! Be warned: I will curse. I will say things you don't agree with. I will offend some. If you're easily hurt or offended, please go somewhere else. Thanks.

Beacon News; Deja Brew, "Waking YOU up to Truths"


Truths that will blow your mind expansion wide open & connect dots to lead you back to true Self! Uncensored forum Freedom of Speech!!! Tuesday night Tarot group New features for site members including private msg'ing, member look up list, & SMS notifications for posts, comments, msgs., & more! Free membership in the Pricing & Plans area of site! ( Soul Tribe Member) Come join the FORUM at my website! No Censorship, FREE, Find your Soul Tribe! Let's talk it all out :D . My other channel (Bigfoot/Paranormal Research ) Rumble . .. Bitchute . .. Community Forum EarthSong Lovecraft School of Thought website Facebook group Telegram group Instagram @earth.song777 Donations Contact info for personal readings, spiritual development etc. Now offering psychic readings via text or calls! With Extremely Competitive Pricing compared to ANY other online psychic service guaranteed! *** 3:00 P.M. to 3:00 A.M. EST*** Monday thru Sunday